Earn $100 a day (ways to start now) 2024

Earn $100 a day (ways to start now) 2024

Do you think that earning $100 a day is easy?

You are definitely wrong..

If you are looking for a site that enables you to earn this $100 a day, then let me disappoint you a little.

There is no such magic site or we would all be rich.

Here you will find ways that require effort from you in order to profit from them.

Effort alone is not enough either. You will need creativity and continuous learning in addition to investing some money.

In short, they are not ways to make money for beginners .

But this does not mean that I will not give you the steps to work on each method in detail.

Therefore, if you are committed to your goal and see that you can actually earn this amount daily, then complete this topic with me and you will see what you can do and what I am currently doing.

Are you ready now let’s start…

The best ways and sites to earn $100 a day

Before we talk about how to earn $100 a day.

I must tell you that most of the methods here have their own detailed explanation.

So if you want more information, you can simply use the links below each method.


I will try as much as possible to provide the most important details that you will need.

Now let’s start with…

The first method: foreign blogs

In fact, I was about to tell you that blogging in general can make you $100 a day.

And this is true…

But I decided to stay away from Arabic blogs a little (despite the ease of launching them and making money from them) and to focus here on foreign blogs.

This is simply because…

If we want to profit from Google AdSense (which is the easiest and most widely used method):

  • In foreign blogs, with choosing keywords, you will be able to earn that $100 on a daily basis if you get 10,000 visits to your blog on a daily basis.
  • But if you create an Arabic blog , you will be able to earn approximately $20 only from the same number of visits.

do you believe that?

Here I will give you the most important details you need to get started, but this will require you to invest some money.

How do you profit from this method?

  1. First, you must determine the field of your blog (in which field you prefer to blog).
  2. After that, you must choose keywords that are easy to compete with and have a high price (at least 15 words to start with).
  3. After that, you must choose a good hosting for your site (our nomination now for blogs is Fastcomet hosting, excellent technical support, with an exclusive 65% discount on the price, making it $3.48 per month ). Learn all the details by reading the guide to creating a blog and making money from it .
  4. Start writing content (don’t know how?) You can simply order articles from the Fiverr website at very low prices (the site contains excellent writers at very low prices, just choose the ones with high ratings).
  5. Start promoting your blog on social media sites and forums.
  6. Once visits start arriving to your site, you can apply to the AdSense advertising program, and when you are accepted, place the advertising codes on your site.
  7. There are hundreds of ways to profit from blogging. Try to combine these methods together to get the maximum benefit.

If you intend to work on this method, I advise you, after you reach 300 visits per day, to register with Ezoic, which is an advertising partner that places ads on your site, but through it you can earn multiple times what you will get from AdSense.

My only and most important advice to you is to treat your blog as a real project and not just a way to make money.

Register on fastcomet

Now let me tell you….

The second method: trading digital currencies

Every time I talk about digital currency trading, you will find me saying that it is one of the best ways to invest in the future.

Although it is not investment advice…

However, I was actually able to earn hundreds of dollars from trading some currencies.

The general rule in this method is the following: the more capital you use to start, the greater your chances of seeing greater profits.

For example: We will use the Ripple currency (XRP), which is now priced at $0.49.

  • Someone started with just $10 and bought 20.5 coins.
  • Another person started with $100 and bought 205 coins.
  • Now the price has moved to $0.50 (it is very clear whose profits will be greater).

But at the same time, it is clear that the loss also if the price falls will be greater for the second person.

What is distinctive about this trading method is that prices are highly volatile and the price movement is also large.

The currency price does not move 1 cent as in the previous example, but rather moves 5-10 cents daily.

While some people see this as a defect, millions see it as an advantage and through it they can achieve very large profits.

So as a way to make $100 a day it may seem difficult and high risk….

But in fact, it may help you achieve much more than you want.

How do you profit from this method?

  1. First, you need to determine the amount of your investment ( for a start, I advise you to have at least $50 ).
  2. Then now you have to select the currency you want to trade, and I recommend the following to you (Ethereum – Ripple – Tron – Bitcoin – Litecoin – Dash – Dogecoin).
  3. After that, you must register in one of the digital currency trading platforms (your choice now Binance as a professional – Payeer Bank as a beginner).
  4. Make a deposit in any of the two platforms above (by Visa – through a broker).
  5. Monitor the price of that currency over the course of (day – week – month – 3 months) through the coinmarketcap website .
  6. When you find a good price for the currency compared to the prices in the past days, buy.
  7. At the time when you find the profit suitable for you, sell.

This method is not only for earning $100 a day, but through it you can earn thousands of dollars or just dozens.

The amount of your profit depends mainly on the amount invested.

Now let me take you to…

Method 3: Trading binary options

I do not know a better way to earn this amount than binary options.

And I certainly don’t know of a way by which you could lose everything you have faster either.


As someone who prefers to take risks, even if it entails losses, I can tell you the following…

Life without risk is no fun. If I lose in this investment, I will learn and take risks again. If I take risks and win, I will certainly take risks again.

Another thing that is important to keep in mind is that mastering Binary options is possible, and there are people I know who enter trades for $500 or $900 and win those trades.

In short, in binary options , you predict the state of the price of a specific pair of currencies, or for example gold, and you have only two options to predict (rise – decline), so if:

  • Your prediction is correct : you get the trading amount in addition to 60-96% of your amount.
  • Your prediction is wrong : you lose the entire transaction amount.

So simple and without any complications.

How do you profit from this method?

  1. Determine a specific amount to trade with (if it is your first time, $10 is only a good amount to learn the method).
  2. Make sure that the amount invested is not necessary (trade only what is in excess of your needs).
  3. After that, you must register with one of the reliable binary options trading platforms (according to my experience, the Iqoption website is considered the best).
  4. Use the platform’s demo account (fake money) in order to familiarize yourself with the platform before depositing.
  5. Deposit the investment amount after getting acquainted with the platform via (Visa – Skrill – Neteller – …)
  6. Set yourself a daily amount that you do not exceed for loss or gain ( in order to control your feelings ).
  7. Now start entering into some deals.
  8. Did you win a good amount? Withdraw your profits now, stop trading, and start again after two or three days.

In order to avoid a huge loss, my advice to you is to learn well how to control your emotions while trading, be satisfied with your profits, and avoid greed.

Register on iqoption

Now let me take you to another method through which you can earn $100 a day…

Fourth method: Create a microservices website

Although you will need some time to advertise your site…

However, after a short period of time, you will be able to easily earn that $100 every day.

Not only easily but also without you having to do anything.

Note: There are many general microservices sites (in all fields), such as Fiverr and Fiverr.

Therefore, if you want to succeed in this method, you must specialize in only one niche.

For example, you create a services website that specializes in:

Specialization has become the most important thing these days.

Therefore, once again, you must choose a specific specialty so that you can manage it in the beginning and promote it as a specialized brand.

The cost of creating a services website is as follows:

  • $36 hosting (start with Fastcomet hosting to begin with).
  • $10 domain (address) for the website.
  • A very professional template for your website ( $99 ).
  • A marketing budget to promote your website ( about $200 to start ).

Total now: $345 .

How do you create a website and profit from it?!

In order to launch your website, here are some steps that you must follow:

  1. Determine the niche you will start with well (choose a required niche and more can be added to it).
  2. Choose strong and good website hosting (I recommended fastcomet because it is cheap and good hosting for a start, only $3 per month).
  3. Purchase the template (WordPress Micro Jobs theme from Premium Press).
  4. Now install WordPress on your hosting (with the click of a button with fastcomet).
  5. After that, prepare your site for SEO by installing and activating the Yoast plugin .
  6. Then upload your template from within WordPress.
  7. Now create your own template and format it to fit the niche you have chosen.
  8. Configure payment methods and gateways that you will use (Paypal – Bitcoin – Visa – etc.)
  9. Start adding some services as if there is a group of freelancers working with you.
  10. Divide your advertising budget into (a portion for promoting the freelancer, preferably through advertising on business websites and channels) and the largest portion of your budget (for promoting those services on the site to clients).

Profit from the site depends on deducting a portion of the freelancer’s profits, 10% or 20% (I prefer it to be different from other sites and make it less).

Congratulations, you now have a services website that is ready to work and earn $100 a day through it.

Now let me move with you to…

Fifth method: Forex trading

Forex or the foreign currency pairs trading market may make you a millionaire.

In fact, it is the second fastest way to see your profits after binary options.

Therefore, earning $100 a day from Forex is a very normal thing that you can achieve.

But as you know, the quicker the profit , the greater the risk and the greater the possibility of losing your capital.

Before entering this field in particular, you need to learn extensively.

After that you can simply start trading.


Again, never invest what you cannot afford to lose.

Forex deals are either buying or selling. You can sell without owning the currency, waiting for the price to fall in order to buy again. You can buy if the currency falls, waiting for its price to rise, so you profit from that, and so on.

How do you work this way?

  1. Determine an appropriate trading amount (old-time traders’ advice is to start with $500, but you can start with $100 or even $10).
  2. Choose a reliable Forex trading company (here we recommend the Exness platform ), as it is considered the most reliable and appropriate to start with a small amount.
  3. Download the program for the platform because it is better.
  4. Start trading on the demo (fake) account first.
  5. You now know how to deal with the platform and you can control your emotions. Make a deposit .
  6. Start trading using your demo account (and do not use too much leverage at first).
  7. Once you are able to win some money, withdraw your profits to your account.
  8. In case of loss, do not trade, learn again, and use the demo account for a longer period.
  9. Repeat the process again and control your psychological state.

Leverage is a system available on Forex platforms that enables you to multiply your amount significantly so that you and the company can achieve greater profits.

I have already explained leverage in detail. I advise you to read this topic before starting.

Now let’s move on to…

Sixth method: Earn $100 a day from your online store

Under these circumstances, anyone who does not transfer his business to the world of the Internet has already lost a lot of money.

E-commerce has not become a luxury like previous years.

Rather, it has become an urgent necessity and a very strong investment for those who see the future.

Not only because the buyer has begun to prefer comfort instead of going down and searching…

But because it also saved money on him and provided him with the same products at lower prices.


If you want to earn $100 a day and much more than that, perhaps you should start launching your online store now.

You can work on your online store in two basic ways:

  • Selling products you own (you purchased them from a supplier – you manufacture them).
  • Selling products you do not own (dropshipping).

Each of these two methods requires many articles to explain it.

Therefore, I will talk to you about what you need in the first method, and I will create a series of explanations for the second method that you can follow.

What do you need to profit from this method?

  1. Study the market and determine the products that people around you need (it is preferable to specialize in one niche).
  2. Search for suppliers of these goods (and negotiate to reach the lowest prices).
  3. Buy these products and store them (either in your home to start with or in a store when your business grows).
  4. Launch your online store (there are many options for this), but we recommend using the Shopify platform, which is the most famous online store platform. You can launch your store for a very simple price that does not exceed $30 per month .
  5. Professionally photograph
  6. Contract with a shipping company (or deliver it yourself at first).
  7. your profit percentage
  8. Configure payment methods on your store (it is preferable to provide payment upon receipt as a method that increases credibility).
  9. Determine a marketing budget and start advertising your store on social media sites and on Google.
  10. Pay attention to technical support for the customer before and after purchase.

Don’t know how to make ads?

Don’t worry, I have brought you the best learning resources to become a professional.

We were able to get a discount for you if you purchase (FB course + Google course):

Buy corsin

These courses are indeed worth paying for, even if the price is somewhat high, you will achieve many times more than that value.

If you want something free, you can simply search for (course……) on YouTube and you will get free training.

But these sources are only good for learning the basics and may greatly distract you, as they did me.

Therefore, I have placed the two courses above for you so that you do not lose your money in promoting and do not have to appoint someone to promote in your place.

Seventh method: Affiliate Marketing

There is nothing better than affiliate marketing to earn $100 a day (I certainly mean much more than $100).


So that some people do not deceive you, you will not be able to earn this amount from marketing products to Arabs, whether Egyptians or others.

In short, because according to my personal experience, to get commissions of up to 1600 pounds (about 100 dollars), you need to sell about (50 products per day).

I am talking here about tangible products (shoes, bags, clothes, etc.).

In a universe parallel to ours this could happen.

But so as not to belittle your mind and tell you what will not happen…

You must know that you may achieve this, but with very great difficulty, by spending a huge advertising budget, and certainly by choosing a product that is reasonably priced and of excellent quality.

But this may easily happen with electronic products.

for example:

During the period of home quarantine, a means and product had to emerge to market it.

Paid courses appeared and marketers began promoting them, and earning $100 a day from promoting them during that period was very easy.

In short, because the course commission sometimes reaches 80% of the course price .

Therefore, if during that period you promote a paid course priced at $20, you will receive $16 in commission/sale .

Mostly, more than 10 courses were sold per day all over the world (which is considered a very small number).

Another example:

In order to browse the Internet safely and without monitoring, you need a VPN program.

It is not a luxury that you do not need…

In most foreign and Arab countries, people use these programs.

If you look at the article on the Authorityhacker website regarding commissions for VPN programs, you will find that the commission reaches 60% of the monthly subscription price.

In fact, you can easily promote tangible products to foreigners.

Because promoting a $60 weight loss product to them is not difficult (your commission is usually $30).

But this amount is large in our Arab society.

Therefore, it is difficult to promote a product like this to earn $100 a day from selling only 3 products. do you understand me now?

How do you profit from this method?

  • Learn the basics of affiliate marketing before you start.
  • Select the product you want to market (tangible – electronic).
  • Determine the promotion method that is appropriate for you (I collected the 12 best promotion methods here).
  • Join the affiliate marketing program for the product (or one of the affiliate networks that contain the product).
  • Start thinking about your potential customer and write the advertising content professionally to touch the customer’s needs.
  • Launch your marketing campaign, monitor and improve the results.
  • Prepare your bank account to receive your profits .

You might not believe me if I told you this, but…

Blogs are the best way to market any products or offers, whether electronic or tangible.

Therefore, my advice to you is to learn to profit from blogging because it is truly one of the best ways to profit from the Internet .

Eighth method: Become an SEO professional

According to Bright Local,SEO professional earns $1,179/client per month.

At a rate of $109/hour.

This is simply because, as a professional, you will be able to find the problem and the solution with ease.

If you do not know this, SEO is one of the ways to profit from the Google search engine .

In short, it is the process of understanding the search engine and improving sites to become compatible with it and appear in search results.

I put it here specifically because if you learn and become a professional, earning $100 a day will be very little for you.

According to my personal experience, SEO professionals receive a contract for a website and not just a daily sum.

The goals of the site and the desired results are determined.

After the SEO expert achieves these results, which usually takes two to three months…

He receives a salary, which is usually 3000-9000 dollars.

Sometimes more depending on the size of the site and your experience.

Notice that you are working on more than one site at the same time.

How do you learn this field?

You must learn all the basics of the field, which will often take you a month of study and deep understanding, and the rest of the learning process is done through experience.

There are several distinguished sites that I learn from and I think you will benefit from them as well, which are:

There are dozens of other sites that may help you, but I prefer these sites.

How do you profit from this method?

  • Freelance websites are a good start for you by providing simple services.
  • Launch your own website, improve it, and display your services.
  • Join blogger groups and start showcasing your expertise.

These were the best ways to earn $100 a day from my personal point of view.

Which method do you find suitable for you….

Tell me, is there anything you would like to ask about?

If so, do not hesitate to contact me through the comments or through our Facebook page.

About the writer

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