What is the benefit of increasing the number of followers on Instagram?

What is the benefit of increasing the number of followers on Instagram?

What is the benefit of increasing the number of followers on Instagram?

A very obvious question, since Instagram does not distribute any profits to its influencers yet…

However, there is not only one benefit to increasing your followers, but rather dozens of them.

Otherwise, not all Instagram celebrities would still be posting on it, right?

So in this topic, I will tell you about all the benefits that you get from increasing the number of followers on your Instagram account.

Not only that, but there are also a set of tips to help you with that.

14 benefits to increase the number of followers on Instagram

Now with the benefits of increasing Instagram followers to 14.

But before we begin, it is important to know that increasing any Instagram followers is not what achieves these benefits. You must always gather a group of loyal followers who actually prefer your content and interact with it.

Therefore, buying followers or buying large accounts will most likely not be the best move.

You have to take good care of your content in order to attract those who are actually interested in what you offer.

The most important and first benefit is always…

1- Advertise yourself

The first and last goal of any person is to make himself known.

Therefore, the most important benefit to increasing your followers on Instagram or any other social media platform is to become an influencer in the field.

There are many examples in various fields of influencers who started with Instagram and moved on to occupy most of the social media sites in their field.

Publicizing yourself will open many other doors for you, the most important of which is….

2- Brands communicate with you

The more sales you make, the faster major brands will come to you.

Especially when you have unique content and highly engaged followers.

The minimum number for these brands to communicate with you is usually 100,000 followers.

Here I am not talking about small brands, but large and international brands.

The most famous examples of influencers who do such partnerships are Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner.

3- Increase your commissions from affiliate marketing

Increasing the number of your followers certainly means increasing your commissions from affiliate marketing of products.

Many influencers who have not the largest following numbers do this.

Starting with 5,000 followers, you can start affiliate marketing for any product in your field.

If you have an audience interested in skin, you can market skin products and care devices to them, and they will buy through you.

Here it depends on your specialization in a specific niche and creating a distinctive account with useful professional content in this field.

Once you do that, all you have to do is review the best affiliate marketing programs that we talked about and choose the best one for you.

4- Increase the sales of your products

Now, if you have a product, whether tangible or electronic, you can definitely sell it to your followers.

The equation is very simple: the more followers you have on your account, the greater the chances of selling.

Some celebrities already have their own brand and promote it on their accounts.

But you can also create an account that is a brand for your products, and this happens when you own an online store.

For example, if you have a specific skill, you can start giving free explanations and providing information in this field, and after a while you can start promoting your own course or e-book.

A distinctive example here is Coach Sama

Sama began offering free content and advice in the field of fitness and nutrition, and now offers paid plans and diet plans on her own website.

Now she has one of the most distinguished accounts in this field, despite being a girl.

5- Increase your followers on YouTube

Many start on Instagram and end up on YouTube.

YouTube is a treasure trove of profits, especially from advertisements.

The more Instagram followers you have, the more you can send to your channel, thus increasing the number of subscribers to it.

You may not know this, but YouTube pays a lot to content creators .

Therefore, creating a YouTube channel and starting to upload videos to it and promoting them through your account may make you a fortune in a short time.

6- Activate the Swipe up feature on your account

You cannot add any link to your Instagram story except through this feature.

To obtain it, you have 3 options:

  • Have a business account
  • Have a verified account
  • Or increase the number of your followers above 10 thousand followers.

Therefore, increasing the number of Instagram followers to 10,000 followers will provide you with this great advantage.

This feature always enables you to profit from Instagram in various ways.

Here you can promote your channel, promote an affiliate product, send visitors to your website, etc.

7- Converting visitors to your website or blog

A website or blog is one of the best ways to work online .

Everyone knows that!

Here, for example, the Profits Expert blog specializes in the field of money and business, and profit can be promoted from an Instagram account in the same specialty.

Increasing the number of followers on your Instagram account will enable you to open the swipe up feature that I told you about above, with which you can share a link to any topic on your blog or page on your online store.

In addition, the more people follow, the higher the conversion rate to your site, thus increasing your profit.

You may want to know:How to start a blog in detail

8- Increasing followers increases followers

You may find it a little strange, but after clarification, you will understand that the more followers you have, the more followers you will get automatically.

Most likely, a person will not follow you if you have 500 followers, for example.

But if he finds 10,000 followers in your account and some good content, he will follow you.

He will follow you more if you have 100 thousand and so on.

This is called Social Influence, which is a psychological influence that depends on others and is affected by their behavior.

9- Increase your relationships with other influencers

You will definitely not be able to recognize celebrities and influencers if you have 10 followers on your account.

But if you have 500,000 followers, they will definitely know you and you know them.

Relationships are the most important skill in any business.

The more relationships you have with other people in the same field as you or in close fields, the greater your chances of increasing your income.

Your acquaintances with celebrities may become the reason you enter the field of art, or brands contact you, and also increase the number of your followers if any of them uploads a picture with you and mentions you.

This is a simple overview of what you can get from other influencers in your field.

10- Get free products

Perhaps this does not require a huge number of followers. Sometimes some companies send products to people who have less than 10,000 followers.

But in order to achieve that, you must definitely choose professional photos to upload to your account.

Most importantly, the interaction on your posts is good.

11- Make ads for small Instagram accounts

Many accounts that have a large number of followers promote small accounts.

All you will do here is post a photo or story on your Instagram account and mention it to the other account.

Finally, you advise your followers to follow this account.

Although this method’s profits are usually not large, it is very excellent in several ways:

  • There are thousands of small accounts that want such a promotion.
  • You can offer this service on freelance websites and you will find many buyers.
  • Mostly the promotion is requested more than once, so it is small continuous profits.

Here, do not stand idly by waiting for account holders to come to you. Go to those accounts and offer to promote them for a small amount.

Most of them will probably agree.

12- Promote your own paid content

Now you have many loyal followers who have already benefited from your valuable content.

Why not create paid content for them?

  • You can create a group with a paid subscription on Facebook.
  • Or your own paid forum

Here, you publish exclusive content for your audience, which is published only for them.

This method is very famous and successful in the foreign world, so it can certainly be done in the Arab world.

13- Enlarge your other Instagram accounts

You have a large number of followers, why not make them follow more of your other accounts.

Many Instagram accounts do this and have several accounts with a good number of followers.

Having more than one account means having more than one source of profit.

More importantly, it sometimes protects you from the risk of closing accounts and losing your entire business.

The most important thing here is that it opens up an excellent opportunity for you, which we will talk about below, which is…

14- Sell your account

If you have one Instagram account and want to sell it, or you have more than one account, you will definitely need to increase your followers.

There are many sites that you can exploit and sell your account on for more than 5,000 and sometimes 10,000 dollars, depending on the number of followers, their interaction, and the niche of your account.

The two most important sites you can start on are:

Here you will find thousands of buyers to whom you can sell your account very quickly.

You can also find some good accounts that you can perhaps buy and work on if they are in the same niche you need.

With this, we have finished answering the question: What is the benefit of increasing the number of Instagram followers, and it is time for some advice.

Tips to increase the number of your followers on Instagram

These tips are proven and have contributed to raising many accounts.

But it requires persistence and patience from you.

  • Provide the best content in your field (or the best images).
  • Comment frequently on celebrities’ accounts
  • Post regularly every day.
  • Interact with anyone who comments on your posts.
  • Use the hashtag that best suits your field.
  • Make a simple advertisement for a famous account in your field.
  • From time to time, make an ad on Instagram to target your audience.
  • Try as much as possible to form good relationships with other influencers in your field.
  • Don’t try to sell first, provide unique content first.

These were the most important quick tips that will help you significantly improve the number of followers on your account.

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