Buy YouTube followers (top 5 real ways) 2024

Buy YouTube followers (top 5 real ways) 2024

So how do you buy YouTube followers?

This is the most popular question among those new to the world of making money from YouTube .

Although many people believe that buying YouTube followers is harmful to your channel…

However, there are some excellent ways through which you can buy followers and at the same time not harm your channel at all.

I am here to share with you these methods as well as some websites.


Not all methods in this matter are 100% guaranteed… What I can guarantee you are the first 3 methods.

The other two methods are for those who want to increase the number of followers quickly.

So I cannot guarantee them to you (although many people have used them and had no problems).

But it must be noted first.

Now let’s talk in detail about…

How to buy real YouTube followers?

Let’s move on from the best and safest to the least useful.

1- Buy followers from YouTube itself

If you can buy subscribers from YouTube itself, why go to any other site?

In my own personal experience: 

  • I created an advertising campaign for one of the videos on our channel.
  • The results were 100 subscribers for 81.37 Egyptian pounds , or approximately only 5 dollars.

This is a picture from inside my Google advertising account and includes the cost

How to buy YouTube followers from Google

If we go to see the statistics for this video on YouTube, you will see the number of subscribers it got:

Number of subscribers from YouTube ads

If you searched for “how to buy YouTube followers” ​​before, you will most likely find sites that offer you 100 subscribers for at least $10.

In addition to the fact that these sites will often harm your channel sooner or later, when you buy from YouTube itself, you get interested YouTube followers .

This means that they will remain subscribed, and thus you will be able to increase the views of your videos , which ultimately means achieving more profits.

Steps to buy YouTube followers in this way

Buying YouTube followers in this way is not easy, and you can definitely do it professionally with ease (for me, I used search ads).

There are other targeting methods, but since these results are from this method, I will explain them.

If you want to master all the methods, at the end of this part I will present to you my nomination for the best Google Ads course, which I strongly recommend purchasing. 

The steps are as follows:

  • First, you must create an advertising account on Google.

This is very simple, so I will not explain it in detail.

  • After that you will go to create a new campaign and then choose not to receive instructions

Choose the type of advertising campaign on Google

  • You will now be directed to this image below (choose a video)

Launch a video campaign to buy YouTube followers

  • Now, the last step before the campaign settings is to choose (custom video campaign) and then continue.

Launch the campaign

Launch the campaign

  • Finally, the most important settings that you must adjust before launching

Budget: Make it daily according to your desire (I used a budget of 30 EGP per day).

Networking: We’ll just make it (youtube search results)

Geographical locations: All countries.

Keywords: Here you will use the best keywords in your field, which we talked about in detail in the topic of keywords for YouTube .


In the video in which I made an advertisement, I used keywords such as (making money, working on the Internet, profit, and so on….)

Thus, we have finished the first method.


This is a very simplified explanation, and if you are seeking to make your channel one of the major channels, you should definitely learn Google Ads in detail.

One of the best Arabic courses that will lead you to professionalismis the Hani Hussein course.

  • 9 chapters rich with exclusive information.
  • Hundreds of case studies and experiments.
  • About 50 videos detailing all the methods.
  • Technical support for any problems you may encounter.

You were going to buy 1000 subscribers to your channel for $100.

But what if you could get them for half the price and master a new skill?

As an exclusive gift for visitors to the Profits Expert blog, we obtained a 75% discount on the price of the course, making it only $49 for a limited time.

Register for the Google Ads course

2- Buying YouTube followers from competing channels

I will not be able to answer the question of how to buy YouTube followers without talking about the role of your competitors.

In fact, if you continue to call them competitors, you may neglect the followers they can provide to your channel.

Because in fact, they may be an excellent opportunity to buy followers and turn into friends…

All you have to do is the following:

  • Search on YouTube for one of the topics in your niche.
  • Collect a list of your competitors (and do not forget to mention the number of subscribers to each channel).
  • Now choose channels with small and medium audiences and communicate with them.
  • Tell them that you want to advertise your channel with them and would like to know the price.
  • If the price is right for you, start, and if not, choose a channel with a smaller audience.

The more people you communicate with, the greater your chances of accepting some channels, because most of them will often be rejected.

Note: The channel does not have to be in the same niche as yours. You can use shoulder niche.

Meaning, you can use a channel specialized in investing to advertise your channel specialized in digital currencies.

What’s special about this method:

If you can form some relationships with those channels, you may be able to increase subscribers for free in the future through the same channels that you advertise with.

3- Buy YouTube followers through blogs

Another legitimate way through which you can buy some followers on YouTube.

In fact, advertising on blogs is a very distinctive way to get followers on YouTube or elsewhere.

This is simply because there are many ways you can exploit it.

for example: 

  • You can rent space to place your subscribe button on this blog.
  • You can also search for a topic to explain in one of your videos and ask the blog owner to put the video on his topic in exchange for a fee.
  • You can also rent a unique advertising banner that will take anyone who clicks on it to your channel.
  • Of course, you can place a subscribe button inside the topics so that you get the full attention of visitors.

Therefore, I consider creating a blog essential for everyone who wants to start a business.

In conclusion, it helps in all areas of profit from the Internet .

Now let’s move on to some methods that are not 100% guaranteed but are very fast in getting some followers…..

4- Picoworkers website

Unlike the 3 methods above, here on this site, you pay the person to subscribe to your channel.

So it is definitely not guaranteed.

Because in all the methods above, the person subscribes himself if the existing content is suitable for him.

But here, you pay him, so he will participate even if he is not interested.

You may continue to subscribe if:

The content of your channel was really distinctive and attracted his attention, so he subscribed because he wanted to benefit.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to your content and also know that these people will most likely not continue as followers.

How to buy YouTube followers from this site?

It’s very easy and doesn’t need any explanation.

  • After that, you must press the green button (Post Job).

Buy followers from picoworkers

  • Now you will determine the audience you want to target in your campaign

  • After that, follow the steps in the picture

Choose the campaign type in picoworkers

  • Now describe the service and its steps

Define service requirements in picoworkers

  • The last step is to configure the payment settings

How to buy YouTube followers from picoworkers

You can deposit starting from just $10 via:

  • Skrill
  • PayPal
  • Visa
  • Digital currencies

With this we have finished this site…

5- Some other sites

Now the other and less safe method for your channel is the sites to increase subscribers .

Many YouTube channel owners search for these sites in the hope of increasing their YouTube followers quickly and at the cheapest prices.

In fact, this is what will actually happen, but many of my friends who tried these methods had major problems with their channels.

Therefore, the most important advice now is to stay away from these sites, but if you still insist, the most important of these sites are:

  • Subpals website (low prices, low quality)
  • YouTubemarket website (high prices + high quality).
  • qqtube platform (high prices + high quality).

Thus, I have answered the question of how to buy YouTube followers and have presented the best for you in my opinion.

Do you have any questions?

If there is something that is not clear and you would like to inquire about it, do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible.

About the writer

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