Fawry machine (price – profits – how to get it) 2024

Fawry machine (price – profits – how to get it) 2024

The Fawry machine project or payment machines is one of the most popular projects.

Perhaps the main reason for this is the simple price of the Fawry machine, in addition to the possibility of obtaining profits in an easy and effortless way.

Therefore, in this topic, I will tell you all the information you need in order to start by communicating directly with customer service.

Here you will learn about:

  • Machine price
  • How to obtain the machine (either by purchasing it or taking it from the company)
  • Project profits
  • Fawry company advantages
  • Immediate defects
  • The most important services that you can provide through the machine

Not only that, but also tips to increase the profits of your project.

Now if you’re ready to get started, let’s get to know…

What is Fawry Company?

Fawry Company is one of the payment solutions that was launched in Egypt in 2007. It is the first in this field through which all bills and shipping can be paid with simple commissions. It began to spread since then until it has now reached approximately 3 million daily payment transactions and about 81 billion pounds made. Collected in 2020 only.

But you are definitely not here to know the history of the company, but to start your own project, so let’s get to know…

Fawry machine features

  • It is considered the most famous payment company that exists to date.
  • Through it, you can simply obtain additional income with negligible capital.
  • It provides the ability to pay bills, charge the balance, electricity expenses, etc.
  • Through it, you can charge games online, charge advertising accounts on Facebook, and also charge electronic wallets such as Vodafone Cash, Orange Cash, and others.
  • The machine is small and you can use it in all projects as an addition, and it can be charged and used directly.
  • It provided ease for people instead of going to government agencies, and thus the demand for it increased and will increase even more in the coming days.

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Disadvantages of Fawry machine

  • The service network is somewhat weak.
  • Your commission as a business owner is rather small.
  • Delaying your commission from the company until the next day.
  • Sometimes there are some problems in transferring and receiving, and unfortunately there is a delay in refunding the amounts, sometimes two days and sometimes more.
  • Some merchants suffered from problems closing their accounts in Fawry as a result of problems with the company’s representative.

The most important Fawry services

As an Fawry machine owner, you can offer many payment solutions through your machine, the most important of which are:

  • Recharging balance, shipping cards, and loose items
  • Pay home internet bills
  • Recharging electricity and public services cards
  • Providing payment of expenses for students
  • Paying traffic fines
  • Charging and withdrawing money from various electronic wallets such as Vodafone Cash
  • Pay the driving license renewal fees
  • It also provides the possibility of paying donations to various entities, such as Hospital 57357
  • You can also finance advertising accounts on Facebook.
  • Paying water and gas bills (but in most cases the representative collects them from you at home, so there is no need for that)
  • You can also renew Bein subscriptions through it
  • You can also book flight tickets through the FawryPay service
  • Many stores have contracted, so you can purchase from some stores through the Fawry service.
  • It also provides insurance company premium payment services.
  • Some club subscriptions can also be paid using the Fawry machine
  • You can withdraw and charge your various bank accounts, such as Banque Misr, Banque du Caire, QNB, and others.
  • Pay btech installments as well.

And others. Therefore, you will certainly find a lot of demand for a store if you are in a governorate or center with a large population.

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Now let us elaborate on…

Instant machine price

I tried to find out the price of the machine by contacting Fawry customer service, but in fact no information was provided and the response was as follows:

Immediate customer service response when asking about the price of the machine

When asked again about information, the response was also that there is no information until the application information is submitted and filled out: 

Inquire about the price of the Fawry machine on the official website

Therefore, we relied on other people’s experiences to know the price.

The price of the Fawry machine varies depending on the method and type of purchase.

Basically there are 3 ways to buy:

Purchase the machine with insurance

Here the price will be symbolic, which is approximately 500 pounds, and you can obtain it from the company representative or by contacting their official offices, but the problem with this method is the monthly target that you are required to achieve, which is 60 thousand pounds per month.

If you are unable to do this, 1 pound will be deducted daily from your commissions.

Note: Fawry offers you a grace period in the beginning, in which commissions will not be deducted from you, and this period is 3 months.

Buy the machine in cash

Here you pay the price of the machine in full, one time. The price varies depending on the type of machine you purchase. Previously, it was about 2,000 pounds, and the prices of some Fawry machines have now reached up to 7,000 pounds, depending on the services you provide.

Purchase from a previous owner of the machine

Some people offer their machines for sale after a period of using them, whether because they bought newer machines, switched to another company, or even because they did not find enough profit from them.

Here the price is much lower than the price of a new machine, but make sure that its price has been paid in full and it does not operate under the insurance and Target system.

Mostly, the price will be slightly higher than half the price of the new machine.

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How to get a Fawry machine

When I asked customer service about purchasing the machine directly through Fawry Company, the response was that I needed:

  • A copy of the ID card.
  • A copy of the project’s commercial register and tax card.
  • Name and type of business activity.
  • Complete personal data (full name – phone number – governorate – detailed address of the activity).

How to get a Fawry machine (required documents)

This data is required and essential to obtain the machine from the company itself, whether paying in cash or insurance.

But if you buy a used machine, you probably won’t need all that.

After obtaining approval from the company, the representative will contact you, bring you the machine, and tell you all the information, and you can use it only 10 days after submitting the application.

Instant machine profits

I tried to access reliable information about Fawry machine profits, but the information here is largely conflicting or duplicated.

So let me make it easier for you.

There are two ways to profit from your machine:

Profit from Fawry Company directly

If you do not know, Fawry Company adds fees to every bill that is paid, and the bill amount is taken out, including the service fees.

Here, a portion of that commission is given to you by Fawry Company, which is generally approximately 2%, as follows: 

  • In the case of charging balance, change cards, and other charging services, the commission is approximately 1.5 to 2 pounds for every 100 pounds.
  • For internet and home internet bills, your commission is 2 pounds, whatever the bill amount.
  • If you transfer the balance to an instant merchant, 2 pounds will be deducted from you (somewhat bad, but in most cases you will not use it much).
  • If you transfer to supply merchants, you will get 2 pounds for every 1,000 pounds you transfer.

The somewhat bad thing here, which I mentioned in the disadvantages above, is that your commissions are found in your account the next day and not the same day.

Note: You can find out your profits here at the end of the day through the machine, as it shows you all the transactions that were made on this day, and you can print a receipt for that from the machine.

Profit from collecting an additional commission from the client

If you have a high demand for shipping through you or you want to increase your demand, you will most likely not do so.

Here, profits cannot be calculated because you are adding a small amount to the amount on the invoice, for example: 

  • If the recharge card costs 10 pounds, you can get 10.5
  • In the case of the internet bill, for example, the monthly bill is 146.5 pounds. Some of the stores that provide our service get the same price, but one time I paid 150 pounds. This is mainly due to the owner of the machine and his profits.

If we look at the project as an investment in which you get 2% daily, or about 60% monthly, then it is very profitable.

However, you need a lot of daily transactions in order to notice large profits in your account and actually benefit from the service.

Tips to increase Fawry machine profits

The success of your instant payment machine project depends on many things, so here are some of my simple tips to ensure increasing the profits of your instant payment machine:

  • Choose a suitable place to start your project: a densely populated area or near universities or private tutoring centers.
  • Always try to establish good relationships with all the people around you: because personal satisfaction is often what drives people to deal with one store over another.
  • If you are in an area where there are other people providing the same service, you may have to reduce your additional commission on the bill or eliminate it completely.
  • Try as much as possible to provide as many payment services as this will increase your income.
  • If the number of people who buy from you is large and there is pressure on one machine, buy more than one.
  • Tell your friends and family members that you own a machine so that they can pay through you.
  • You can also provide online shipping services in exchange for transferring money to your electronic wallet, such as Vodafone Cash.
  • Make cards for your store so that people can communicate with you easily (but only for your regular customers).
  • Game shipping services are very profitable, so you can take advantage of this as well and add it to the list of payments you offer.

These were the best simple tips that can increase the profits of your Fawry machine.

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Now let me tell you about some other popular alternatives to Fawry in Egypt

Immediate replacements

There are many alternatives that you can use if you really do not prefer all of the disadvantages found in the Fawry machine.

The most important of these alternatives are: 

  • safety
  • money
  • Bee

But be sure to know all the information about each of these companies because most of the alternative companies have other similar or more problems.

This was almost the most important information you need to know about Fawry machines.

But if you have a specific question that you would like to know the answer to, do not hesitate to leave your comment.

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