How many reports are required to close a Facebook account?

How many reports are required to close a Facebook account?

How many reports are required to close a Facebook account?

If you are suffering from a fake person impersonating you, or an account that insults you or your faith, you can simply report the account and action will be taken against this account.


How many reports are required to take such action? Is the account already closed?

If this is what you are looking for then this topic is for you and I will share with you in detail what you need to do.

Now let me answer you first…

What happens when you report a Facebook account?

According to the Facebook user guide , when an account or content is reported and the report is anything other than a violation of intellectual property rights, the account holder is not notified of his reporting and maintains complete confidentiality.

After submitting this report, Facebook will review your report to determine the validity of this complaint.

Then, if the report is correct, action will be taken by deleting the content or closing the account completely.


However, submitting a report often does not mean removing the content or closing the account. A good number of users must repeat the report.

This takes us to the next question, which is…

How many reports are required to close a Facebook account?

According to the guidelines for using Facebook, there is no specific number of reports required to close a Facebook account, but from the experiences of many people in making reports for accounts, pages, or groups, Facebook algorithms approximately need 20 and even 50 reports for the account or page in order to take action towards it or close it. permanently.

It is important that you send the account link to the largest number of your friends so that they can report this account.

It is always preferable to choose the same reason for the report so that the problem is drawn to the attention of the algorithms and Facebook moderators.

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How to report an account, person or group on Facebook?

In order to make a report for Facebook, all you have to do is:

  • Go to the account or page you want to report, then click on the three dots as in the picture: 

How to report a Facebook account

  • After that, choose the option Report profile, or in Arabic (Report the account): 

Report a Facebook account

  • Now a group of reasons for the report will appear before you, choose the one that suits your case: 

Types of reports on Facebook

Once you choose the appropriate reason, you will find that the report has already been sent and will require action to be taken in the future.

If you want to report a page and not an account, you will do the same first and second steps, but the step of choosing the reason will be somewhat different.

  • Reporting a page on Facebook, the reasons are as shown in the picture: 

Steps to report a Facebook page

The available notifications for Facebook pages that you can exploit are:

  • Hate speech.
  • Misinformation.
  • Pornographic content.
  • Violence content.
  • Harassment.
  • Intellectual property theft.
  • Pages with a fake identity.
  • Report the authentication of pages.

It is important that after choosing the reason for the report that you submit on the page, you also choose the main derived reason that Facebook provides.

For example: 

If you choose the reason for wrong information, Facebook will ask you more about that information, whether it is health, political, or social information.

Depending on the type of information, choose the reason for the report.

It is always preferable to choose the correct reason for the report so that quicker action can be taken.

The most powerful Facebook report (types of reports)

In general, Meta algorithms respond to reports in less than 24 hours.

But the quickest way to close a Facebook account is to report the fake identity.

If there is actually someone impersonating you on Facebook, all you have to do is report a fake identity and action will be taken quickly against him.

Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can report the account that is exploiting your identity from this link:

Now with the types of reports on Facebook: 

  • Impersonation.
  • Fake ID.
  • Fake name.
  • Posting inappropriate content.
  • Blackmail or bullying.
  • Finally, one more thing.

It is always preferable to choose the reason for the report that is appropriate for what happened from the account, so that the appropriate action can be taken.

This was a comprehensive guide to reports on Facebook, how many reports are required to close an account, and the types of those reports.

Finally, you should always resort to the competent authorities if you are under direct threat or need help immediately.

Do not hesitate to go to the police as soon as possible.

If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us or leave your comment.

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