How to earn $100 a day from Google? (3 methods step by step)

How to earn $100 a day from Google? (3 methods step by step)

How to earn $100 a day from Google?

Certainly, earning $100 a day is a dream for many people, but it is difficult to achieve in our Arab countries.

Despite this, based on my experience over the past 4 years, there are 3 ways, some of whom earn more than $1,000 a day from Google.

Since Google is the largest search engine in the world and has the largest advertising network, earning this amount from it daily is not difficult.

Only if you decide to be diligent and follow the information here in detail.

There are certainly some other methods, but these are the ones that have been tried and have achieved a lot for many people.

So let’s talk numbers and answer your question…

How to earn $100 a day from Google?

These 3 methods can be basically divided into:

1- Profit from Google ads

The method is to become a professional in Google advertising campaigns.

If you want to know whether it is profitable or not, look at the image below for service requests on the Fiverr microservices website:

Advertising requests on Google on the Fiverr website

This is a simple example of what you can offer with this skill, but there are many other ways you can get clients, which I will put for you below.

All you need to do is know all the secrets of launching advertising campaigns for various Google services, including: 

  • Search ads that appear when a person searches for something.
  • Display ads are like banners that appear on websites.
  • Advertisements on applications.
  • The most important is video ads and promotion on YouTube.

After you master all of the information above and become a professional at it, you have several ways that you can exploit to profit: 

  • You can launch an affiliate website (affiliate marketing) and put topics and explanations for products that include a marketing link for the product. You can launch advertising campaigns for your topic and get commission profits for your product.
  • You can start offering your services on Arab and foreign freelance sites and you will find excellent profits, especially on foreign sites.
  • Applying for a job to work in a company (but this method will not earn you $100 a day from Google).
  • You can also search for people with high-return professions (doctors, lawyers, merchants, etc.) and offer to launch advertising campaigns for them in exchange for a certain monthly amount, and they have a month of free trial (this is one of the ways to profit from Google Maps).

Where do you start?

There are many sources that you can turn to in order to learn from scratch to professionalism:

  • YouTube : Through it you can obtain huge content for free.
  • Course sites : You can find many excellent courses that qualify you to work as a professional.
  • Hani Hussein Course : Another distinctive course, approximately 20 hours of explanation and experiments, price is $49.

Learn also:Are Google Awards real?The best 5 methods

2- Create a professional blog and put Google AdSense on it

Earning $100 a day from Google AdSense and a website is definitely not an easy thing.

But it can also be achieved with hard work and the right investment.

Content sites (blogs) are still one of the best projects that can be undertaken with small capital .

But its only problem is that it takes a rather long time to see the results with your own eyes.

I talked before about ways to profit from blogging , and although Google AdSense is the only way to profit, it is still the most profitable way for bloggers.

This is simply because it is very easy and does not require technical skills. All you need is: 

  • Create an account on it.
  • Apply and fill out a form with your website link.
  • Get the code and put it on your site.
  • Waiting for acceptance.
  • Finally, see the profits on your account.

Profit rates from Google AdSense and blogging are different depending on more than one factor: 

  • Arabic content is less profitable than foreign content.
  • Arab countries are less profitable (the Gulf countries are somewhat higher).
  • The type of content as well (health and cosmetic content, according to my experience, is the least visited in terms of visits).
  • number of visits

Here I will assume that you will start an Arabic blog in any field apart from health fields: 

  • Average profit/1000 views, let’s assume $5.
  • You need to earn $100 a day from Google AdSense.
  • That is, you need about 20 thousand daily visits to your blog (which is a huge amount, and you must start now if you want to reach this number in the next 3 years).
  • That’s roughly 600,000 views per month on the blog.

Now let’s calculate the number of topics you need: 

  • From my humble experience, the average of each topic on the Arabic blog achieves approximately 300 visits per month.
  • Since you need 600,000 monthly visits to your blog to reach your goal from Google.
  • So you need 2000 very good topics on your blog to achieve this income.

How can you earn $100 a day in this way, but faster?

  • You can start writing topics yourself and then reinvest all the profits again in topics written for you by other people.
  • You can start an English blog and target the United States (every 1,000 views earn you at least $20), meaning you only need 5,000 daily visits.
  • Invest $100 a month in content (about 20 articles) and write 30 more.
  • The more you invest in content, the faster you will reach your goal, but just be sure to choose excellent writers who do not copy topics from other sites so as not to harm your site and throw your money on the ground.
  • Finally, you can promote some products on your blog, and this is the only answer to how to earn at least $100 a day from Google and the blog.

Other articles to help you launch your professional blog: 

3- Profit from Google AdSense and your YouTube channel

The explanation here is very similar to the explanation in the previous method.

But what is different here is the type of content that is presented.

In a previous study I conducted to analyze the profits of about 150 YouTube channels, we found that the average profit of Arab YouTube channels per 1000 views was approximately $2.

Therefore, if you need $100 a day from Google through your YouTube channel, you will need: 

  • 50 thousand daily views.
  • Let us assume that the average view of one video on the channel achieves 500 views on a continuous monthly basis (which is a lot for a small channel).
  • So you need 3,000 very good videos on your YouTube channel (a huge number, right?).

How to get $100 a day from Google and YouTube faster and with fewer videos?

  • Target foreign countries in your videos (the average profit for 1000 views exceeds $15).
  • Rely on long videos of more than 10 minutes so that you can place the number of ads you want and thus increase YouTube profits.
  • Try to keep the viewer as long as possible (the more minutes he watches, the more ads he sees).
  • Rely on videos that generate views continuously (that is, they do not advance over time like trends).
  • Finally, you can also promote products, sites, and services in exchange for commissions, and this will reach the amount you specified faster.
  • Finally, you can buy ready-made YouTube videos in order to reach your goal faster.

Articles that will greatly help you start your YouTube channel: 

Now that you know how to earn $100 a day from Google?

Tell me….

Which method do you think is right for you?

Is it advertisements? Or the blog or the YouTube channel?

About the writer

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