Increasing monthly income via the Internet (methods to implement now)

Increasing monthly income via the Internet (methods to implement now)

The opportunities to increase your monthly income through the Internet are many!!!


This may be more of an obstacle than an advantage you may benefit from!!!

Because more methods mean more choices, you have to select the best one.

The natural result of this is distraction and not taking a serious step in one area.

Therefore, in this topic, I will help you with everything I know so that you can organize these choices and find what suits you among them.

The most important thing is to make only simple choices in front of you, thus making the beginning easier.

Now if you’re ready to get started, let me tell you…

The best ways to increase monthly income via the Internet

To start, you have only 4 choices and no more:

  • Find a job online from home
  • Working as a freelancer
  • Create your own project online
  • Online trading

Each of the above options has its advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, determining the most suitable option for you to increase your income depends mainly on you after you read in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Now let me tell you about each of these areas above in detail, with tips, advantages, disadvantages, and even how to start with each method.

Detailed explanation in the video: 

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First, let’s start with the traditional thing…

1- Increase income through an online job

Most likely you already have your own job.

This means that you have some skills or experience in a field, right?

That’s perfect.

But even if you do not already have a skill or experience, there are many jobs that you can do from home to improve your income.

Advantages of working online

  • Work from home
  • You have specific requirements that you must fulfill.
  • You get a fixed salary (whether monthly, weekly, or even daily).
  • You can certainly work part time or full time.
  • Finally, and the best feature is that you can get a job in any international or local company.

Disadvantages of working from home 

  • A fixed and specific salary. There are no opportunities to get more.
  • You can be fired at any time.
  • You may not be paid if the company is unreliable.

Tips for success in your online job

  • You must have the necessary skills for that job.
  • Only choose the job that best suits your time, skills, and needs.
  • If your English is good, apply for jobs in foreign companies.
  • Try to obtain an employment contract with the company to somewhat guarantee your rights.
  • Finally, you must start preparing an excellent portfolio before applying for any job online in order to increase your chances of being accepted.

How to get a job online?

There are hundreds of employment sites on the Internet through which you can get a job remotely.

The most important of these platforms are:

  • Linkedin platform 

LinkedIn is the largest social network and employment site in the world. Here you will find almost all Arab and international companies offering jobs either online or from the company’s headquarters.

All you have to do is go and create an account on LinkedIn , then go to the jobs window and search for your skill.

You will find dozens of jobs, choose from those that provide part-time work and work from home.

  • Wuzzuf website

Wazef is an Arabic website that is more widespread in Egypt, and from the name you understand that it offers job opportunities.

Most of the jobs I found on this site are full-time and based at the company headquarters.

But I found some also provide the possibility of working from home part-time.

So all you have to do is search and apply for what you find suitable for you.

  • Indeed website 

Now let’s go global…

Indeed is a global employment network with thousands of jobs, most of which are online.

Therefore, if you are a professional and have a distinctive skill (no matter how simple), and your English is excellent, you can go and apply for what suits you because you will definitely find some.

There are many good job sites to find opportunities such as: 

  • Remote platform
  • Tanqeeb site.
  • Glassadour website

Learn about:The best sites for working from home

2- Increase your income by working as a freelancer online

Freelancer basically means someone who works for himself.

But the term has become more common for people who sell their skills through freelance platforms.


The meaning here is that you can increase your monthly income via the Internet by owning a skill and starting to sell it.

Advantages of working as a freelancer

  • You can work anytime and anywhere.
  • The more skills you have, the higher your prices, the more clients you have, and thus the higher your income.
  • There are a lot of platforms and ways through which you can promote your services.
  • You can offer very simple skills (such as writing on paper ) and you will find people who will buy, unlike jobs that have their own requirements.

Disadvantages of working as a freelancer

  • Not having time can make your life random and you feel bored and distracted.
  • In the beginning, getting clients is very difficult (customers do not trust people who do not have good reviews).
  • You usually get your money within 14 days of delivering your service on different platforms.
  • If you decide to sell your services on social media groups, you may be scammed and your money not sent to you.
  • The platforms receive a commission from your sales of 20% (which is a rather large amount).
  • Desperation and stress at first due to not getting clients.

Tips for success in the field of freelancing

  • Find the skills that are in high demand and start learning them.
  • Compare your competitors and offer more than your best competitors.
  • Don’t wait to get clients, go and start offering your services to potential buyers.
  • Finally, present your services in a professional manner to attract the attention of buyers.

How do you sell your skills online?

You can start working as a freelancer in several ways, all of which provide you with an excellent opportunity to increase your income.

  • The easiest start is through Facebook groups that specialize in what you offer (there, start offering your services).
  • Arabic microservices sites (Khamsat – Kafeel) are the most famous.
  • Foreign mini-services sites (Fiverr – people per hour) are excellent options for getting started.
  • The Arab project platforms (Mustaqil) are the most famous, through which they provide projects with larger amounts than microservices.
  • Foreign project platforms (Upwork – freelancer) are the best, but accepting them has now become more difficult.

I talked in detail about each freelancing platform , so I will not prolong the topic. All you have to do is click on the previous link and you will find a list with a detailed explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.

It is also important for you to know:The best FreeLance sites for beginners and why I prefer them

3- Increase income from the Internet through your own project

Launching your project on the Internet is the only way through which you can become rich from the Internet.

This is not an exaggeration!!!

Some people have already become millionaires by launching their own online business.

The most famous examples of this are:

  • Adam Infroy : He launched his own blog that generates more than $100,000 a month.
  • Iyad Abu Ghosh: The most famous Arab example who managed to earn more than 10 thousand dollars from one video on YouTube.
  • Yasser Selim: Thousands of dollars from selling courses online.
  • Hani Hussein: More than $70,000 from affiliate marketing to host Bluehost through his blog.
  • Video side hustle channel: More than $5,000 a day through cash cow channels .
  • And other people who started various projects on the Internet, including stores, service sites, etc.

Therefore, if you want the right way to increase your monthly income via the Internet, you should plan to start your own project now.

In the next part, I will tell you the most famous electronic projects that you can start and make huge profits from.

All you have to do after that is: 

  • Choose a method that suits you.
  • Professionalism in every aspect.
  • Take the first step and start your project as soon as you finish learning (even if you are not a professional).

Advantages of starting your own online activity

  • Various profit opportunities
  • Profit rates have no ceiling if you can develop your business.
  • Some projects you can profit from after a period of work, even if you stop (YouTube – blogging).
  • Fewer problems (in terms of paying you – and vacations – even dealing with clients).

Disadvantages of starting your own online business

  • Starting to get income from your project may take months or years in some projects.
  • You are responsible for everything in your field and therefore there are no specific tasks.
  • If you cannot promote your project correctly, your project failure is 95% guaranteed.
  • You now have to take care of the legal and financial matters since you have become a business owner.

Despite these disadvantages, if you compare them to the advantages, you will know well what you should do.

You may also like:

The most famous types of private business on the Internet

Although there is no better method than another, and what one person prefers another does not prefer, I will start with the one that is easiest for me and which I also believe is the best according to my own experience.

  • Blogs

Blogging is an excellent opportunity to increase your monthly income via the Internet (a huge increase).

It is also an excellent way to obtain profits for years to come, even if you stop (this is called passive income).

So it’s my favorite project.

but even so: 

    • It takes a huge amount of time to start seeing a return on your effort.
    • It also requires a huge amount of effort in writing and coordinating articles and other things
    • Or you need good capital to start.

The most popular way to profit from this project is through advertisements, especially AdSense advertisements, but it also requires a strong website before you can display these advertisements on it.

You can also use one of the different affiliate marketing programs and market some products within your content, receiving a commission for every purchase.

To sum it up for you, hereis a guide to launching blogs and making money from them

  • Youtube

In our profit expert, we explain everything you need to launch a successful YouTube channel.

So I won’t talk much about YouTube. All you have to do is check out our free YouTube course

All I want you to think now is that YouTube is a very profitable venture.

If it is not profitable, how can YouTube celebrities have all these luxuries?

  • Create an online store 

If you are currently in any of the Gulf countries, I strongly advise you to start launching your own store.

I have many friends in Saudi Arabia and some in the Emirates, and even my clients to whom I provide services talk about the amount of profits from e-commerce in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries.

But before you start e-commerce, you must make sure:

    • Study your market and choose a specific niche (specific field, let’s assume skin products only).
    • After that, you have to know where your audience is and start reaching them.
    • Now all you have to do is provide them with a unique shopping experience and professional customer service, and you will get sales.

There are many platforms through which you can start creating your store with a few simple clicks, such as:

  • Basket platform
  • ExpandCart platform

Both platforms are a very good choice to start in the Arab world.

  • Instagram account

The entertainment Instagram account you have can become a project to increase your monthly income.

I talked in more than one previous topic about the power of Instagram and how to profit from it .

But in order to be able to do that, you must focus on choosing a specific field and start publishing useful content on your account.

After that, all you have to do is promote your account a little to increase interaction on it, and then everything will happen naturally.

    • When you find a lot of followers, you can now start marketing some products on your account.
    • You can also launch some paid campaigns for companies in your field.
    • Of course, you can sell your Instagram account for thousands of dollars depending on the number of followers.

This means that anything you can turn into a profitable business on the Internet.

  • Electronic services company

I did not want to call it an electronic marketing company because the competition in this field has become very huge.

All you need is a company that specializes in only one field, let’s say Facebook ads.

And you start marketing yourself and get clients.

It’s very simple. All you have to do is become a professional in a field and start promoting your services in it as a company and not as a freelancer.

  • Affiliate marketing on social media

One of the best ways to increase your monthly income from the Internet is also affiliate marketing.

Here you will create a Facebook page, a Tik Tok account, a Twitter account, a Snapchat account, or something else.

You increase your followers on this account to gain some credibility.

Now all you have to do is choose a distinctive product (certainly suitable for your page name) and then start launching advertising campaigns to promote the product.

You get clients who order the product for them or order it themselves, and you get your commission.

There are many affiliate marketing sites that I talked about before. Learn about them and choose the easiest ones to register.

Note: You need to be professional in launching advertising campaigns on social media before starting this method.

There are many other types of businesses that you can launch on the Internet, such as: 

  • Create a microservices website
  • Launching a recruitment website.
  • Amazon FBA
  • Drop shipping
  • Selling courses
  • Selling e-books.

And many more that need their own separate topic to be explained.

Now let’s move on to the final method to increase your monthly income online, which is…

4- Increase your monthly income through trading

Trading is a way for professionals to increase their monthly income from the Internet.

Focus carefully: the professionals.

Therefore, before you even think about trading or investing on the Internet, you must become a professional in the field in which you have decided to start.

The best way to become a professional in trading is to study deeply and apply what you have learned through a demo account (provided by most companies).

Advantages of online trading

  • An excellent way to grow your money.
  • It includes many types within it, so you can invest in whatever you are comfortable with.
  • Huge profits in not long periods of time.
  • You can see your return (income) in real time.
  • Finally, once you start, you do not need huge periods of work and construction. All you have to do is choose the right deal at the right time.

Disadvantages of online trading

  • An excellent way to lose all your money (the risk is very high).
  • Nervousness and stress are a side effect of trading.
  • Rushing and making wrong investment decisions makes most novice investors lose their lives.
  • Some platforms are not reliable.
  • Finally, some malfunctions may occur on the Internet, causing you to make a wrong buying or selling decision.

Tips for success in trading

  • Learn well and take the time to experiment.
  • Do not trade until you control your emotions.
  • Set yourself limits for loss and limits for gain, whether monthly or daily.
  • Stay away when you see major fluctuations in the markets.
  • Benefit from the advice of experts and professionals, but you must build your own trading style.
  • Only invest in what you know best.

The most popular methods of trading online

I told you that trading is an excellent way to increase income, but what kind of trading?

There is more than one type and each type has its advantages and disadvantages that you must study well before starting with it.

Here I will give you a very simple overview of each field, and you are free to choose what suits you.

The order here is from highest to lowest risk:

  • Binary options trading

Options, or as they are called Binary options, are a very risky trading method, but also huge in profits. Here, all you have to do is expect an increase or decrease in a specific period of time.

    • In the correct prediction, you take your investment amount + up to 96% of your amount.
    • In the wrong prediction: you lose all your capital.

I talked in a previous topic about binary options and the best platforms for trading them, you can review it.

  • Digital currencies

They are virtual currencies that exist only on the Internet, and are characterized by a constant rise and fall in their prices, so some people exploit them to make large profits from them.

However, a lot of losses occur.

Therefore, it was banned in many countries, including Egypt.

  • Forex trading

Forex is currency pairs and is the largest trading market in terms of financial liquidity. Here you buy or sell a currency with the aim of making a profit from it in the short term (hours).

Forex without leverage has little risk and few losses, but by using that leverage, which provides you with the possibility of doubling your capital up to 500 or 1000 times, you will double your profits or losses by the same amount.

So if you decide to start here, make sure to use a simple lever.

  • Stock trading

If you stay away from suspicious or unreliable stocks and invest in some blue-chip stocks, the risk will likely be low.

But there is still some risk.

Therefore, you should always be careful to only trade in stocks that you know well or whose history you have researched and found to be promising for the future.

Here you can trade in two ways: 

    • In the short term: It is called speculative, and the risk here is high.
    • Or in the long term: Here you invest in stocks for many years with the aim of obtaining accumulated income in the future.

Both methods are good, just study them carefully.

These were the best ways to increase monthly income via the Internet.

If you have another question, do not hesitate to contact us and leave your comment.

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