The 12 best paid ways to promote affiliate offers and CPA offers

The 12 best paid ways to promote affiliate offers and CPA offers

I spoke before about my lack of preference for free promotion , and now I am trying to explain the reasons for my preference for paid methods of promotion, in addition to giving you a general idea of ​​the best paid methods through which you can promote offers and get good conversions. These methods are a summary of the best marketers in the world. These methods vary from One offer after another, so you will certainly use many of them to promote different offers.

The most important thing you can invest in in your career as a marketer, whether in affiliate or CPA offers, is

creating your own affiliate websiteand formatting it to suit the offers. Although you can skip this step and directly promote the offers by creating landing pages, however, The nature of creating an affiliate website enables you to appear to the public as a professional marketer and also increases the rate of conversions to your offer. In addition, you canprofit from your blogin other ways, and now let me tell you:

Why do I prefer paid promotion? 

The most important reason why all marketers in the world prefer paid promotion over free methods is the nature of targeting in paid promotion. The targeting options that these paid methods provide you with are truly incredible. You can specify the following in the case of paid promotion:

audience location
– age
– gender (male – Female)
– Targeting times
– Devices you use (mobile – computer)
– Consumer operating system (Android – iPhone – Windows – Mac)
– Browser (Chrome – Firefox – Safari – Opera – etc.)
– Sites that display your ads and sites that do not You should display your ads
in the language of the person

These targeting options greatly enable you to reach the category most appropriate for your offer and thus increase the percentage of conversions that you can get, in contrast to the randomness that occurs when using any free method.
But there are some very important things that you should pay attention to after choosing the appropriate promotion method, so you may want to know:

The most important things that you should pay attention to when choosing a paid promotion method 

Advertising cost:How much will you pay?Is the price suitable for the offer or not?
The size of the company’s audience: When choosing a promotion method and then choosing the company whose advertisements will be used, you must study the size of the audience that your advertisements reach. If the audience is small, perhaps you should not use this promotion method.
The suitability of the type of advertisement for your audience:You must study the compatibility between the type and nature of the advertisement and the nature of the offer that you are promoting. For example:If you are marketing an offer to buy clothes, do not use pop-up window advertisements or advertisements on profit sites, and so on.

Advertising conditions:Some promotion methods have their own conditions, and this step mostly applies to banner ads, so you must know the advertising conditions in the company you are using.
Quality of visits:Some companies, especially those companies that specialize in pop-up windows, use some types of fake visits (bots), so make sure of the quality of traffic provided by the company by reading reviews of the company in marketer communities.
Targeting options:Some advertising companies do not provide all of the targeting methods listed above, so you must first ensure that the targeting methods they provide suit you and that you can promote the offer using them.

Minimum deposit:There are some companies that offer a very high minimum deposit, sometimes $200. If your budget is much less or equal, perhaps you should not use that company.Remember: You must choose the offer first, then choose the promotion method, and not the other way around.

These are the most important options that you must take into consideration before choosing the method of promoting the offers, which makes us now move to the third step, which is:

Paid promotion methods for affiliate marketing offers and CPA offers

1- SEO

Do you remember when I told you above that the best investment you can make is to create your own website?
Now the second best investment you can make is to buy SEO tools., SEO

means(preparing the site so that it is ready to appear on the search engine), but SEO includes many factors that must be taken care of, and in order to be able to prepare the site from every aspect of SEO, we must pay attention to each element separately:
Keywords: You must know The most important words that visitors search for so that we can use them in topics and thus obtain visitors from the search engine. To find out those words, we use some keyword tools, the most important of which are:SEM Rush

(a paid tool). This tool enables you to know the keywords that visitors are searching for. In every country, in addition to that it enables you to analyze other sites similar to yours and tells you everything about the words used in those sites and where they get them from:Backlink: It is one of the important factors that you must also invest in in order to improve the SEO of your blog, as you can Buy links from other sites that have credibility on Google, and thus your site gains that trust.

– Site speed: This can be improved by using some plugins in WordPress or by choosing a light template on Blogger (I do not recommend it for affiliate sites).

Seobility SEO Tool

:Another one of the best SEO tools, which is available in two plans, free and paid. You can use the free plan to get some money, and you can buy some of it paid or buy the Sem Rush tool or others.I do not want to prolong this method, but if you intend to establish a business and project on the Internet, you must pay attention to creating your own website.

2- Push notification ads

Push notification ads are subscription ads that appear in the form of notices at the top of the site.
This type of advertising appeared recently and has become one of the most important promotional methods used by a very large number of marketers.
A large number of marketers stated, after their personal experience with these ads, that they are considered the best in terms of conversion rates for offers, with a rate exceeding 30% of traffic.
What distinguishes this type of advertisement and makes it the best is that it is visible to most of the audience, which is why it is characterized by a high percentage of conversions.

The best push notification sites


Evadev  3- Search ads

If you have been a marketer for a long or medium period, you already know the power of search ads and why they are considered one of the best methods of paid promotion.
But if you do not know what search ads are, let me tell you that you have certainly encountered some of them in your life while searching for something on various search engines. In short, they are considered a result of the search results that is often preceded by the word “ad.”

In the beginning, you should know that search engine visitors are the highest in terms of value for one reason, which is that these people are actually the people most interested in the content because they are searching for the thing that you are advertising, and they are also the highest in terms of conversion rate.

In order to get visitors from search engines, you can rely on two unparalleled methods:
– Either rely on SEO and prepare your site, which we talked about above
– or make some paid search ads.

If you want a personal opinion, search ads are considered better in terms of promoting

CPAthanaffiliate.Search ads are:

Google ads: Affiliate or CPA offers cannot be marketed directly, and there must be a landing page.

Bing Ads: Some marketers consider them the best, as you can send traffic directly to the offer.4- Native ads Matched

content ads are those ads that appear below the content or in the side menu in the form of articles, and if you scroll to the bottom of this article, you will find some of them.

This type of advertising is considered by some marketers to be the best way to promote affiliate offers.

One of the advantages of matching content ads is the low cost, as you can get visitors for much less money than other promotion methods. In addition, they are characterized by a lot of interaction with the ad compared to banner ads, and thus more conversions.

The best Native ads sites

​​outbrain  Jubna(for Arabic content)


5- Social media ads

The No. 5 method now for promoting affiliate offers and CPA is paid ads on social media sites.
Social media sites, represented by (Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – Linked in Snapchat – etc.) are considered a huge and very large source of traffic, which you can exploit to obtain many conversions for CPA and affiliate marketing offers.

The most important thing that distinguishes these sites is the huge targeting options that they provide you. Do you remember those that we mentioned above?

Social media sites usually offer most, if not all, of the targeting options above.Another advantage of using these sites to promote offers is that these sites contain a Share button, so you can get some free visits in addition to the ones you paid for.

6- In-text ads Text

ads are one of the most famous types of ads for many years. The beginning of Google was text ads, and this type of ads is still one of the ways to promote good affiliate and CPA offers that achieve a good conversion rate.

If you are not familiar with text advertising, in this type of advertising, the words you target on other sites are converted into text links for your offer.

The best sites for In text ads


Vibrant media  7- Pop ads

Pop-up ads are considered one of the most popular types of ads used in promotional campaigns for CPA offers. 
There are already many Arab and foreign explanations of people who used promotion through pop-up windows and achieved good results. 
One of the disadvantages of this type of advertisement is that it is considered annoying advertisements for the visitor, and sometimes the visitor closes the advertisement before it even appears to him. 
In this type of advertisement, the CPM system is billed per thousand impressions. 
One of the very big drawbacks of this type of advertising, especially for marketers, is that the conversion rate from these ads is very low, and the quality of traffic in general is low, so you may spend large sums of money and in the end you do not get any conversions because the traffic is fake. 
Some advertisers prefer to use pop-up ads to build a mailing list and then exploit that list to promote offers 
The best pop ads sites
Pop ads 
8- Banner ads 
Banner ads are considered one of the oldest and most famous types of advertisements ever. It is also considered one of the most famous methods of promotion, whether for affiliate offers or CPA offers. However, the use of this type of advertisements may sometimes include some conditions of its own, such as prohibiting a certain type of advertisements, especially those advertisements. Deception. 
In this method of promotion, you pay for the advertisement and are charged via CPM or CPC, i.e. payment per thousand impressions or payment per click. 
The best banner ads sites
– Google Ads (the best ever) 
Media net 
9- Purchasing Solo ads mail campaigns 
Looking for another way to promote your offers?! Why not use email marketing? You will now tell me that you do not have a mailing list or people interested in what you offer, and that is why this solution and this type of advertisement appeared.  
Solo ads is one of the most famous types of paid promotion. In this type, you can buy your own traffic while targeting your niche and country, at good prices compared to other methods, through some people’s mailing list. How is that? 
In short, what you need to do now is go to a reliable person (in the same field of offer that you are promoting) who has a mailing list with many interacting people and offer to buy a campaign from him, whereby he will send your offer to all the targeted people on the list. 
In email advertisements, the content of the message is of your own writing, and you can format it in the way you like. 
Solo ads are considered one of the most appropriate promotion methods in the following cases:
– Your budget is simple 
– PPC ads have high prices in your niche 
– Search ads are expensive 
– Your niche has many people, so the competition is huge. 
The best sites where you can buy Solo ads

10- PPV or CPV ads 
This type of advertising is considered the cheapest on this list of promotional methods, and therefore it has the lowest conversion rate, even if others tell you the opposite. 
PPV ads are mainly used to promote CPA offers. 
These ads appear in the form of pop-up windows when the user targets a specific word. 
Sites where you can buy PPV ads
Some other ways to promote CPA offers
These two methods are mainly for promoting CPA offers and can only be used to a limited extent in promoting affiliate products 
11- Link shortening sites 
Many opinions have spread about using link shortening sites to create some advertising campaigns for CPA offers, and marketers say that it has brought them good results, but despite that, there are many marketers who promoted the offers in this way and did not achieve any significant results, so we will do something. We will conduct one of the campaigns in the coming days and we will inform you of the results. 

The best site for shortening links to run campaigns


12- Create a games website.

One of the most widespread offers on CPA sites are game offers. If we look at the other side, those searching for games are millions every day. Therefore, if you create a website and specialize in a type of game, you can promote CPA game offers with ease. You will achieve more than wonderful results, but you must know that it requires a large cost in the beginning, and you also need to learn to manage the site.
Therefore, think carefully before creating this type of website and starting to work and promote it.

Do you have other experience?

In the topic above, I told you, according to my personal knowledge, the best paid methods for marketing offers, whether affiliate or CPA. Now, if you have experience with another method and it has achieved good results, you can tell us about it to add it to the list.

Do you have any questions ?

If you have any questions regarding ways to promote offers or anything regarding affiliate or CPA, do not hesitate to contact us on our Facebook page or through comments and we will respond as soon as possible.

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