The easiest way to make money online

The easiest way to make money online

Many people search forthe easiest way to profit from the Internet,and most of the time they do not find what they are comfortable with and are convinced of. It is certain that when you searched for the easiest way to profit from the Internet, some simple methods appeared that you were not comfortable with, such as (watching advertisements – captcha – Surveys – other easy methods) and in fact whoever mentioned these methods as

the best ways to profit from the Internet for beginnersdid not lie to you or present you with an illusion. In fact, you do not need any skill or experience and therefore they are considered easy.

But what do you mean by the easiest way to make money from the Internet? 

Mostly, when I was initially searching for the easiest way to profit, I was looking for ways that:

– Do not require experience or skill
– Do not need capital
– Enable me to earn approximately $50 – $100 per month
– Easy and effortless methods

, but this combination of You will not find these qualities in one method, but by combining one or more methods, you may achieve those qualities and you can earn approximately $100 per month in an easy way.

For example, on the occasion of mentioning the easy ways to profit from the Internet, the most famous here is (watching advertisements), but despite It is the easiest, but it is the least in terms of profits, so in this topic I decided to present to you two of the easiest ways to profit from the Internet. These two methods that I present to you require some effort (very little effort, negligible) in addition to patience, and perhaps I will explain to you another site at the end. My favorite sites if you want to increase your profits.

The first method:Profit from ads (not watching ads)

This method that I will present to you now is considered the easiest and actual way to profit from the Internet and does not require any effort, skill or special experience. In addition, this method has never been read before on any site, whether Arab or foreign, and it is an exclusive method here from a profits expert

. What is the method and what do you need to start earning?

1- Create a free Blogger blog

– The first step in this method is to create a free Blogger blog and choose a suitable template for it. If you are not able to do that, you can go to this topic

(How to create a Blogger blog in 4 steps)and start applying the steps with ease– copy Put some topics on your blog, about 15 topics or more.

2- Subscribe to the following advertising companies:

– A-ads: It is an advertising company that is

an alternative to AdSense. It pays you in Bitcoin– Pop ads or Pop Cash: These two companies are window advertising companies. We
will put their codes on our blog.
You can register for pop ads from here

traffic2bitcoin: It is a PTP company that pays you in exchange for bringing visitors to it– after subscribing to those advertising sites, take their advertising units and place them on your blog.

3- Register on the

Mellowadssite. The Mellowads site is one of the best alternatives to AdSense and advertising companies ever, but our use of this site here will not be by placing advertising banners for the site on our blog, but rather by sending traffic from the mellowads site to our blog, and thus we profit from site advertisements. The other ones that we registered with are above

– register on the
mellowads  – after registering, you will find at the top what is called Visit faucet

Easy ways to make money online

– Click on Claim to get a gift from the tap with a value ranging from 500-3000 satoshi on a daily basis. This balance can be used in advertisements
– After that, go to Advertise, then create an advert, and put a link to your blog or one of the topics, then leave it to be reviewed
– When The link is accepted. Create an advertising campaign (pop ad campaign) An advertising campaign for pop-up windows
– you will find that you begin collecting profits from the advertising companies whose ads you have placed on your blog.

Collect from the mellowads faucet daily continuously.

Another way to profit by using mellowads traffic

instead of Promote your blog link. You can promote CPA offers and thus profit financially from marketing products (very much more money). It

is one of the best types of companies that accept this type of traffic. It is suitable and you will be accepted in it. Simply put, it is the

CPAgrip. You can register with it now and start making money.The second method:

  By using captcha.  At first, I did not think that captcha was still profitable, and although I did not try it for long periods,

profiting from captchais, in my opinion, considered one of the very easy methods, especially for beginners, and currently I think that captcha is better thanprofiting from Watching adsfor several reasons, including:1- Ad viewing sites contain a limited number of ads, while Captcha sites contain a very large number of Captcha codes.
2- The more time you spend solving Captcha codes, the more your profits will increase, and profits depend mainly on the amount of work you do. You do it. The more effort you put in, the more your profits will increase.
3- The minimum withdrawal amount from captcha sites is very low ($1) compared to sites for making money from watching ads, for which the minimum withdrawal amount is usually $2.
4- Withdrawing profits from captcha sites is done very easily without any Complexities:

How much can you earn when working on captcha sites?

As I mentioned above, your profit from captcha sites depends on the number of working hours you spend solving these codes. There are those who can earn about $200-300 per month, and there are those who earn $1 per month, but if you start working seriously, you can earn $15-50. Monthly in an easy way.

When working on captcha codes, I recommend two sites after trying most of the sites. They are:


. This site is considered the best in terms of the availability of captcha numbers. You can find Captcha codes to solve them every second.
* The most important thing that distinguishes the Kolotibablo site, apart from ease of use, is that you can You set the price for the captcha (the more you discount for every 1000 captcha, the more captcha you can solve).
* The kolotibablo website gives you an error rate, and if you exceed it, your account will be blocked.
* It offers high payment rates for Recaptcha codes, as it reaches 1.5 $ / 1000 sometimes skip
* You can withdraw profits starting from $1 to each of (Litecoin – Ethereum – advcash – capitalist – Bitcoin)

You can register on the site from here


2captcha is considered one of the easiest ways to profit from the Internet and was created by one of the people who They follow the blog by mentioning that he earns about $2 a day by working on the site. 

After trying 2captcha for a short period, it turns out that you can actually earn good sums of money from this site, but you need a large period of time in front of your phone or computer.

* You can earn from $0.5 – $5 per day from 2captcha website only, but you need to provide about 4 hours a day to work on the site

* The 2captcha website provides a mobile application and also a computer program that you can work through and thus you can obtain very profitable Recaptcha codes

* Withdrawing profits from the 2captcha website is done very easily when Reach the minimum amount for withdrawing profits, which is only $0.5, via:
– Advcash
– Payeer
– Bitcoin
– Webmoney
– perfect money
– Airtm

You can register on the site and start earning easily through this link

2captcha.comThere are many other ways that Some people consider it one of the easiest ways to profit from the Internet, but I believe that the two methods above are sufficient to start collecting some small money that you can then use to

prepare your blog or website and start working on it,considering that blogs are amongthe best real projects to work on the Internet.Some ways to profit from Another easy internet

In order not to make this topic too long, I will suffice with mentioning each of these methods, which some call the easiest methods, in addition to a link to a topic below each method that explains each of these methods in detail so that you can benefit from other methods to raise capital, increase benefit, and to summarize a lot of things. For your time, I will put the most profitable methods first (they require effort) and then after that the easy methods with low profits

* Profit from GPT sites

get paid to or profit sites in exchange for performing a specific job, such as downloading an application, completing certain tasks, or simply answering requests. This method and these sites are considered the best, easiest and most profitable ways, especially for those trying to enter the field. Here are the two best sites:

Pointsprizes  *


You can learn more about GPT sites by learning how to earn $50-$150 per month from GPT sites.

Profit from surveys 

A very easy method that does not require any effort. All you need to do is answer some surveys to start earning 

Learn about the best sites for earning money from surveys  

Profit from shortening links 

It is considered the most famous and easiest way to profit from the Internet, as shortened links provide a wonderful way of earning money for many people, often enabling them to achieve approximately $100 – $500 per month, especially if you are a website or YouTube channel owner and have your own audience. 

Learn about the best sites and strategies for profit from shortening links 

Profit from watching ads 

This method is actually considered the easiest way to profit from the Internet, but it is the least profitable, as in most cases you cannot earn more than 10-20 cents per day from viewing sites. 

You can learn about the best sites for making money from watching ads in 2019

Profit from Bitcoin faucets  

A very easy way to profit, but in this case you will collect digital currencies only by pressing a button, and it is considered one of the easiest ways to earn Bitcoin and other digital currencies for free. 

You may also like the best faucets to earn free Bitcoin 

This topic was to explain the easiest way to profit from the Internet in 2020.

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