6 ideas for a project with a capital of 500 pounds (2024)

6 ideas for a project with a capital of 500 pounds (2024)

You may think that starting a project with a capital of 500 pounds is illogical…

But even though an amount like this is very small, you can start more than one very profitable project with it.

Even smaller amounts like 200 pounds can start with, and this is what we talked about.

Here in this topic, let me help you and present you with some ideas in which you may find the right idea for you.

So that the introduction does not become long and boring, let us quickly go to…

The best projects with a capital of 500 pounds in Egypt

There is something else I forgot to tell you…

Most likely, this amount will be an excellent amount to start an electronic project on the Internet.

That’s why you will find a group of projects that you can do on the ground and a group that you can start online.

The most important thing is that all these projects will be simple and do not require huge skills, so you can start them from now on.

If you need to know, Fadi:the most profitable investments in Egypt

1- Bird breeding project

The best start for a project worth 500 pounds is by raising different birds.

According to my personal experience, raising pigeons is the least risky, but the profits are not great.

You can also use your money in a project to raise white chickens, which is of course known to be a profitable and distinctive project.

Here the project will need simple things from you so you can start, which are:

  • A suitable place for the project or type of bird, and this will of course remain in your home.
  • Determine the appropriate number to start with. For example, if there are pigeons, you will start with about 6.
  • After that, you need to start looking for the right food and buying it.

The life cycle of white chicks is fast, but the risk is rather large.

However, if we are talking about pigeons, their life cycle and production of new pigeons will be longer, about 3 months, but the risk is less and the production is good.

It may help you:

2- An electronic blog project

If you would like to start an electronic project rather than on the ground, the option in front of you and what I advise you to start with is blogging.

I mention blogs in almost every topic about projects, and this is not an exaggeration, but because it is really useful to start them with any capital.

500 pounds is a good amount to start a WordPress blog, but the capabilities will be somewhat weak.

Here you will be able to earn money through more than one method, such as: 

  • The advertisements you will display on the articles on your blog.
  • You can market products and take a commission from anyone who buys.
  • You can also sell your own products, whether (hand-held products, courses, or e-books).
  • Of course, you can make a paid subscription for your unique content.
  • And other ways.

Ok, how can you start?

There is a topic in which I talked about how to start a blog that you can read and benefit from.

But in general, I can also summarize the topic for you and tell you that you will need:

  • Hosting for your site, and here is the most appropriate hosting for your budget. Hostinger
  • A domain for the site (this is the address of your website), and for approximately the first year you can buy it for 30 pounds from Namecheap.
  • Then you will learn how to write a good article and start writing articles continuously.
  • You will also learn to see the number of visits you receive on articles and how to take advantage of this.
  • Tell me that you will start taking advantage of the visits you receive by applying to the Adsense program and start adding ads or adding products that you recommend to your audience and take a commission when they buy.

3- Handmade products project

Handmade products are one of the very distinctive small projects in Egypt, especially for girls.

That’s why if you have 500 pounds and you have a hobby of making things with your hands, you can start this project very simple and quickly.

It may be that you do not have the skill to start, but who now will not find what you need on YouTube???

The topic is more suitable for girls than boys, and this is simply because the products required are: 

  • The fortunes
  • chains
  • The mugs
  • The two earrings
  • Rings.

That’s why girls are always special in this area.

But of course, as a young man, you can take advantage of a project like this by seeing good girls in handmade and starting to agree with them that you will shop for them and get from them quickly, less than the price they sell for.

Almost everyone won.

It may be useful to you:  The best profitable business ideas for 1000 pounds

4- Perfume packaging project

I talked about this project once and I will talk about it again.

You can use a very small amount of money by making samples of different perfumes and then you can start selling them as simple samples.

  • The price of 100 ml of perfume is usually around 100 pounds (of course, we are not talking here about large brands like gold water).
  • You will buy 8 different types of perfumes, each type 50 ml (this means 400 pounds).
  • Then we will buy 40 bottles that hold 10 ml and fill them all.
  • We will sell this bottle for 15 pounds.
  • Since we will make about 40 samples and sell them for 15 pounds (the total will be 600 pounds).
  • Thus, the net gain for the project will be 20%.
  • You can repeat this process and use the profit to expand the project and purchase samples of different sizes.

If you want my opinion, this is considered small business project in Egypt.

5- A page project for marketing affiliate products

The second electronic project on our list is the Facebook page.

Of course, you can create a Facebook page without paying anything, but here we are not talking about a regular page, this is a marketing page.

Therefore, the 500 pounds will be the cost of advertisements that we will use to market specific products.

Here the topic is much more risky than the blog!!!

This is of course because here you are not at all guaranteed whether the advertisement will be successful or not.

That’s why your steps in this project should be as follows: 

  • Learn how to make a successful advertisement on Facebook.
  • Learn how to choose a distinctive and selling product.
  • Learn again how to target the right customers and retarget them.
  • Then you start experimenting with a small amount of advertising and whether it will be successful in the end or not.
  • If you succeed and get good commissions, take advantage of the money you received again, increase campaigns, and double your profit.

Note: The issue here is difficult and requires that you be able to take risks. If you cannot risk this amount, then do not enter this cycle in the first place.

I spoke in detail about this field in:The free affiliate marketing course. You can learn everything about it from the previous link.

6- Home pickle project

Almost all websites talk about the pickle project as if it were the best project with a capital of 500 pounds.

Despite this, I really don’t see that!!!

That’s why I decided to leave this project until the end…

What are you supposed to do here?

  • You will get the raw materials (carrots, leftovers, onions, cucumbers, cauliflower, olives, lemons, etc.).
  • Then you will start pickling this at home and cleaning it very well.
  • Then you are supposed to start packaging your product and selling it, of course, right?

No, in fact, I do not think that this is the most appropriate way to sell your product if you are going to enter into this project….

Ok, what do you do?

Mostly, homemade pickles are not sold in grocery stores because many ready-made types have appeared…

That’s why the best place to sell your product is:

  • Foul and falafel restaurants.

Most restaurants in popular areas usually use homemade pickles.

That’s why if you start going to these stores and showing them your pickles and selling them at a good price, you will be able to sell and find income.

Otherwise, the chances are few unless your product is excellent.

These were the best ideas in which you could use 500 pounds to create a project.

Now say…

What do you think is the best project and the most suitable one for you?

Would you like to start a home pickle factory? Don’t you think raising birds is better? Don’t you see that you can make excellent handmade products?

Whatever your choice, we will be very happy if you share it with us or any question you have.

Good luck.

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