Get digital currencies for free (top 10 ways)

Get digital currencies for free (top 10 ways)

 The desire to obtain digital currencies for free has become one of the most searched things on the Internet.

This is certainly after the very large rise in the prices of those currencies to a rate of up to 100% of the currency price.

Therefore, we decided to cover all the best ways to obtain digital currencies for free in one topic suitable for both beginners and professionals.

So be careful with me…

Here I will divide the methods from the easiest to the ones that require some skill.

I don’t want to go on too long, so let’s move on quickly…

The best ways to get digital currencies for free in 2021

As I told you above, there are many ways, so I will start with the one that does not require any money from you.

1- Get currencies from microwallets 

In my opinion, these mini wallets are considered one of the best ways to obtain digital currencies for free.
This is simply because it includes hundreds of sites that you can work on and earn currencies, which will be converted directly.
Not only that, but it also provides different ways to profit, for example: 
What I also like about these wallets is that there are a lot of currencies that you can obtain, unlike other profit sites, which often enable you to earn only Bitcoin or two currencies at most.
The most famous of these wallets are the following:
  • wallet (which includes more than 20 different digital currencies)
  • wallet (which includes about 10 digital currencies)

You may want to read: A comprehensive explanation of the FaustPay wallet

2- Various mission locations

 There are many sites through which you can obtain digital currencies for free by completing some different tasks.
Although we have explained many of these sites in a detailed topic, we have decided here to list the best ones for you.
But of course, if you want a comprehensive explanation of these methods, you can read the guide to making profits from GPT sites .
We quickly return to the best of these sites, which are based on our personal experience as follows:
These are two sites through which you can earn some sums of money for free, and after that you can request a withdrawal via digital currencies.
You can find out more details about the two sites here: 

3- Affiliate marketing

If you have not heard of this method before, I strongly advise you to read the article about affiliate basics that we wrote.
But in general, let me tell you what happens here:
  • You search for various digital currency products (wallets – trading platforms – investment sites – storage devices – etc.)
  • After that, you join the affiliate marketing program for this product
  • Then you go to the people who are already interested in these products and recommend them to them ( it is important that you are well-versed in the product ).
  • When a person registers or purchases the product from your link (which you find on the site when you register on it), you will be able to obtain digital currencies for free as your commission.
Is it that simple? 
If it were, everyone would do it, but in order to succeed in this field, you must actually choose a product that provides good help to those people to whom you are recommending it.
This is because the next time you market a new product to them, they will trust what you offer because you are actually helping them.
The best sites to join to get commissions from digital currencies for free are:
  • Binanceplatform (the most famous digital currency trading platform and offers a commission of up to $40 from their profits)
  • Coinbase wallet (a wallet for collecting digital currencies that offers a 50% commission on the transfer fees of the person you invite)
  • Coinmama website (a platform that enables people to buy digital currencies with Visa, with a 15% commission)
There are many other sites and platforms through which you can obtain digital currencies for free, but so that this topic does not turn into currency affiliate programs, let us limit ourselves to these 3.

If you like this way of working, you can learn about more programs through this topic: The best affiliate marketing networks for the year 2021

Now let us move quickly to another method of obtaining digital currencies for free, which is…

4- Staking (storage)

 Staking simply means that you leave the currency that you already own in a location for a certain period.
Because the site lends these digital currencies to other people, it gives you a percentage of its profits.
This percentage usually varies from one digital currency to another, but what distinguishes this method is that:
  • Your profits from this process are added to you on a daily basis.
  • You can store different currencies, not just one currency.
  • A safer investment than trading (although we prefer trading).
  • The return here can reach 50% annually, depending on the currency
There are many platforms where you can get digital currencies for free by storing what you already have.
The best and most famous of these platforms:
  • Binance for sure
  • Express crypto wallet (which I mentioned above)
  • Blockfi platform (I do not work on it)
  • Gemini platform (I do not work on it)

5- Obtaining digital currencies by watching ads

One of the easiest ways ever through which you can obtain digital currencies for free is through the advertisements that you watch for a few seconds.
Despite the small amount you get from this method, you can still certainly collect some digital currencies through this method.
I definitely don’t recommend it.
But if you want an easy method without any investment or even skill, you may find what suits you here.
There are two sites that I recommend for this method, and they are honest sites that have been withdrawn many times, and they are: 
These two sites are honest and the minimum withdrawal amount is very low, so you can start on them.

6- Using captcha sites 

Another method that I prefer for beginners (despite its low profits) is Captcha .
Of course you know what it is, but in short, it is codes that you rewrite.
The best thing about this method is that the minimum withdrawal amount from these sites is very low. You can withdraw your profits as soon as they reach $0.5 or $1.
Most sites provide the possibility of withdrawing this money as digital currencies.
Thus, you can obtain digital currencies for free in your free time.
The two best sites are:
There are many other sites, but what I am putting here for you are the ones we have already pulled from.
You may want to know more so I advise you to read:

7- Obtaining digital currencies through mining (very small amounts) 

Mining was one of the best ways to obtain digital currencies for free until 2015.
This is due to the intense pressure and millions of people around the world doing this.
This definitely made the process harder and harder as time went on.
Therefore, many people have already resorted to what is called cloud mining (which is renting giant computer power) to work for your benefit.
 However, due to the fluctuation in currency prices, this process may eventually lead to losses.
But if you want something free, there is actually something you can do for very small amounts of satoshi.
You can use the Cryptobrowser and use it as a browser, and every time you perform a search you earn some satoshi.

8- Using digital currency faucets (very, very small amounts)

Faucets are considered the easiest way ever to get digital currencies for free.
All you need to do in this method is to enter each faucet and solve the captcha code, and parts of the currencies will be transferred to your wallet.
I do not want to talk at length about this method, as I have already written a comprehensive guide to earning currencies from the best faucets that you can read.

9- Using mobile applications

If you prefer applications more than websites, there are many applications through which you can obtain digital currencies for free.
But beware, there are many applications that will scam you after working on them for a long time.
Therefore, I have compiled for you a list of the best Bitcoin earning applications that you can check out.

10- The last method, which I do not prefer at all

Now let me tell you the most common method on Arab websites.
It’s Airdrops.
These are sites through which some portions of the currencies are distributed to some members.
This method is actually not the best, so I will not talk about it because you will most likely not get any digital currencies.

My favorite method 

In fact, all of the above methods are very suitable for obtaining small quantities
But if you want to obtain large amounts of digital currencies, $50, 100, or even 200 per day, then you should seriously consider starting to trade in digital currencies .
Despite the risk involved in trading, the return is actually worth taking this risk.

These were the best ways to get digital currencies for free.

The next step, from my point of view, is to know the best digital currencies for investment and start trading in them.

If you have any other methods, share them with us.
Do you have any questions ?
If there is anything unclear that you would like to know, do not hesitate to ask us through the comments or through our Facebook page.

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