A rare female project (10 different and profitable ideas)

A rare female project (10 different and profitable ideas)

The idea of ​​a rare women’s project in this time is very difficult.

But it is not impossible if you have the courage to take bold steps towards a different beginning.

You may find the basic idea traditional, but here I decided to develop the idea into a new, somewhat different beginning.


If your desire is to start something different, this article is for you.

Let me now tell you the first idea, which is…

1- A content creation project to raise women’s awareness

Content creation is certainly not a rare female project.


There is little educational content for women on the Internet.

Therefore, starting to create strong awareness-raising content for women in different areas of life is a rare project that is worth your effort, time, and even your money.

Here I did not specify a specific platform to start, because any platform is considered a good platform to start, whether you decide to start: 

  • YouTube channel.
  • Tik Tok account.
  • Instagram account.
  • Electronic blog.
  • Or other…

By gathering a strong audience of women around you, you can achieve a lot, and the return from this project will mostly be paid partnerships with various international brands.

But you can also use your project to: 

  • Marketing some products to your audience in exchange for commissions.
  • Sell ​​your own products.
  • And of course profit from ads and subscriptions.

Despite how profitable a project like this is, it requires a huge effort from you to:

  • Define the idea.
  • Identify topics.
  • Finally, content production.

Every step you take must be very deliberate, in order to achieve the greatest possible benefit.

As a start, I definitely advise you to exploit the power of a platform like Tiktok, after which you can transfer your followers to other platforms.

Get to know me:

2- A women’s PlayStation store project

The idea of ​​having entertainment places designated for women is a rare idea and has not been implemented yet.

Girls of all ages like to play PlayStation as one of their recreational activities.

But in most cases, you will not find many projects for women in this field.

So you can create a women’s PlayStation store and promote it in this way, but inside you will have: 

  • A coffee shop for serving drinks.
  • Other recreational activities.

I think this project is one of the best and rare projects for women that you can do with a little capital.

You just have to study the idea well, then calculate the cost necessary to start your project.

Best place to start: 

Upscale areas are considered the best spot you can choose to launch your project, and the governorates in every year may be a good choice.

how much does it coast?

The cost varies and depends on the location, but in general it is not less than 10 thousand dollars.

3- A project to manufacture aromatic candles

The best rare female project, which I believe will develop greatly in the coming period, is the manufacture of aromatic candles.

About 3 months ago, my friend told me about starting this project.

So it was natural for me to wonder, and tell her where she got the idea from in the first place.

The answer was simple: from foreign content.

Not long after, by following the Shark Tank program, I found that the idea was actually profitable.

In this episode, Nour, owner of the Relaxant brand, shared her project idea and its profits, and obtained financing worth 500 thousand pounds in exchange for 10% of her company, as you can see in the following video:

[wpcc-iframe title=”Egypt Shark Tank| “An orchid-scented candle.” Nour Zanati asked for 500,000 pounds in exchange for 10% of the stake in her company, “Relaxant.” ” width=”1200″ height=”675″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/0aKRrX-cITc?feature=oembed” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=””]

But is the project that easy?

In fact, according to my friend’s experience, the hardest part of the project is getting started.

You will find various difficulties, but the most important are: 

  • Find resources to learn how to make these candles.
  • Test the quality and scent of these candles, and therefore you need to give some samples to your friends so they can tell you their opinions.

After that, you must start promoting the product in a different way so that you can reach the group that is already interested in what you offer.

Do I recommend the project?

I definitely recommend it, but if your vision does not include creating a distinctive brand in this field, perhaps it is best to look for another project.

4- Home medicinal plant cultivation project

There are dozens of profitable agricultural projects , and they certainly cannot be considered a rare women’s project, or even a women’s project at all.

But light cultivation as medicinal houseplants is certainly a rare venture.

Most importantly, it is indeed a profitable project.

Most medicinal plants are used by various pharmaceutical companies, and some types may cost up to 10 thousand dollars.

But if the project is so profitable, why doesn’t everyone do it?

The secret is very simple…

These plants have somewhat high seed prices, and marketing them is somewhat difficult.

So many people avoid starting it.

Not only that, but these plants also need careful care.

And therefore…

Before thinking about starting this project, it is very important to study everything related to these plants.

There are many medicinal plants, the most important of which are:

  • Bitter gourd.
  • Pine.
  • sage.
  • Marjoram.
  • Basil.
  • Chamomile.

You must first study each plant, its marketing and selling opportunities, and how easy it is, then know the methods of growing it, how to care for it, and certainly its prices.

After that, all you have to do is start.

5- Natural rose cultivation project

Natural roses were and still are one of the best ways to express love.

I don’t know why, but only a few people grow it.


Natural rose prices are very high.

This is what you need as an entrepreneur now: a product at a high price and in high demand.

You can definitely start with a budget that is not huge, and you will achieve excellent profits.

Here you also need to know a lot about:

  • Growing roses and their different types, and what each type needs.
  • How to properly promote your product (which I think is the best way to do this is to open a small, distinctive store).
  • After that, you must develop your packaging skills to present the product as a valuable gift (this is what will help you double your profits with minimal effort).

One of the distinctive methods that I also recommend, especially in the Gulf countries, is to create an online store to sell flowers through.

And don’t forget: Take advantage of different occasions, such as Valentine’s Day, to market your product intensively.

6- A dance school project

The project may be a little different, and perhaps contrary to your principles.

But dancing is an art.

Here she will teach it to other women, so I think there is no problem at all.

There is more than one type of dance…

All you have to do is choose a specific type and then start teaching it to others.

If the project is not suitable for you, all you have to do is choose another project from the list.

7- A project to make healthy food from home

Healthy foods have now become a trend for a huge number of people.

This is certainly after the development of health awareness in various countries, and the spread of correct nutrition information.

Despite this, I do not find many Arab brands that produce healthy products.

For example…

In Saudi Arabia, I only know of the Healthy Life store that manufactures and markets healthy foods.

Unfortunately, he achieved excellent profits, and every year the store’s sales doubled.

In Egypt we only have healthy and tasty and a few small brands.


If you are interested in eating healthy, then perhaps starting your own brand, whether from home or through a store, is an excellent step to start and a project that is certainly rare.

Unfortunately, after a while, these projects will not become rare projects.

Therefore, you need to take advantage of this timing and start to include a website for your company among the well-known brands.

In order to know the size of the demand for these products, I advise you to watch this video from the Shark Tank Egypt program and you will know the size of the demand and the extent of the profit:

[wpcc-iframe title=”Egypt Shark Tank | Hind Al-Yamani’s journey from the field of fashion to healthy eating ” width=”1200″ height=”675″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQUWTOWtx3c?feature=oembed” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=””]

A rare women’s project (additional ideas)

There are many ideas through which you can start your women’s project now.

These projects are indeed distinctive and have achieved excellent profits, but they may be little known compared to those above.

The most important of these projects are: 

  • Manufacture of natural leather products.
  • Natural health products manufacturing project.
  • Selling handmade products.

There are many other projects that you can start, but you just need more confidence in yourself and your personal abilities.

In addition to investing in yourself and your project.

These were the top 10 ideas for a rare women’s project that you can start either from home or from an independent website.

I hope you find something special and suitable for you in the previous list.

Now tell me…

What project did you decide to launch and develop?

About the writer

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