A website that gives you project ideas (thousands of ideas for all countries)

A website that gives you project ideas (thousands of ideas for all countries)

Are you looking for a site that gives you good and real project ideas?

Whatever your purpose for this research, whether you intend to start your project or are searching just to learn about these sites or you are a writer and are looking for projects to benefit from, this guide I am now writing for you.

In this guide, I will present to you the best Arab and foreign websites that give you unique project ideas.

The best thing about these sites is that they are diverse and comprehensive, offering project ideas for different countries.

Therefore, whatever your country, you will find suitable ideas for you on these sites.

Now let’s quickly move on to our list and learn about…

The best sites that give you unique project ideas

There is no specific order for these sites, just a random order, except for the first site, which is our site.

Naturally, I start with myself first…

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1- Profits Expert website

Earnings expert website for sharing project ideas

Earnings Expert is a blog that I launched after suffering in trying to profit and obtain an income.

Whether online or on the ground.

Here I decided to share all my own experiences, both failed and successful, with you so that I can help you as much as possible.

Among my attempts were a group of simple electronic projects , in addition to some projects on the ground.

Therefore, it was natural for me to put in this blog a projects section dedicated to sharing different project ideas and discussing them with you.

Therefore, I hope that you will find in this section a set of distinctive ideas that will help you make your decision easier.

If you would like articles that I recommend to you from this section, here are the following: 

2- Small projects website

Small projects website gives you the best project ideas

The Small Projects website is one of the distinctive Arabic websites that I personally prefer and benefit from a lot.

The site is mainly dedicated to providing project ideas, whether small or large.

But in the current period, the site’s administrators have begun sharing content in various fields such as investment, money, business, and others.

So if you are looking for projects or any topic related to money or banking, you will find some useful articles in it.

3- Rowad Business website

Rowad Business website is considered a distinguished website that gives you more than excellent project ideas.

The secret here is that the site has been in existence for a long time, and therefore you will find on the site a huge number of articles about projects.

Even the basic sections of the site are:

  • Industrial projects.
  • Latest projects.
  • Commercial projects.
  • Women’s projects.
  • E-Commerce.
  • Agricultural projects.

The entire site is dedicated to sharing project ideas.

You will also find in the site’s articles posts about distinctive feasibility studies for some projects.

So the site is really good and deserves to be on your reading list.

4- Egy Projects website

Egy Projects is a good site that gives you good project ideas, but the site is not specialized at all.

Contrary to the name of the site, it does not only present projects in Egypt, but projects in various countries in addition to other articles in various fields such as:

  • Profit
  • Investment
  • Import and Export
  • Economy.
  • the cars.

Therefore, the site may be a good start for you to learn about some simple project ideas.

5- Money Makers website

I consider the Money Makers website to be largely a news and information site and not a site specialized in projects or their ideas.

But given that it is one of the largest sites in the Arab world, it is natural for me to put it before you in this article.

The beginning of the site’s launch here was to share everything related to money, but the site began to expand to become a general site.

However, the site still offers many articles about projects, but I don’t consider them good enough.

You can use the site to get ideas only and nothing more.

What I mean is that you will not find detailed explanations for each project, what you need to start the project, market it, and so on.

6- Money Secrets website

Money secrets website for project ideas

When I first entered the world of the Internet and working from home, the Money Secrets website was one of the first sites that I came across and benefited from.

The site is mainly concerned with financial education and sharing the most important articles regarding money and ways to obtain it, save it, and even invest it.

Since projects are a means of investing money, the Money Secrets website gives you a group of distinctive project ideas through the Finance and Business section.

Go to the website and go to the Finance and Business section, then choose small projects, and you will find in front of you a huge list of articles whose ideas you can benefit from.

7- Business Ideas website

Business Ideas website

Business Ideas is a website that gives you project ideas and shares with you the steps of trade, import and export, feasibility studies, and other matters related to establishing a business.

The site is huge and contains thousands of articles that you can benefit from, in addition to thousands of ideas for agricultural, industrial, and commercial projects.

The biggest drawback for me about Business Ideas is that it does not share any in-depth details of the projects.

Just general content that is very good for beginners, but needs them to delve deeper into the ideas they find on the site.

8- Business news daily website

Business News Daily website for the best project ideas

Business news daily is one of the best foreign websites that gives you project ideas.

This site is considered the basis for launching any successful business.

He shares a collection of distinctive articles that help any project:

  • Begins
  • It grows

It also shares a group of important articles that help the entrepreneur:

  • Correct driving.
  • Finding the best workers.

Therefore, this site is considered one of the distinctive sites that I highly recommend when thinking about starting a project or wanting to see some good project ideas.

9- Entrepreneur website

Enterpreneur website for entrepreneurs

The Entrepreneur website is one of the largest websites directed to business owners and entrepreneurs in the world.

What is nice about this site, in addition to all the sections specifically directed to entrepreneurs, is that it contains many articles that help in starting a business.

One of the most important sections on this site is the Start a Business section , in which you will find many project ideas and through it you will learn how to plan your project properly, obtain financing, and also build your brand.

The site is a true treasure and it is worth diving into it and learning many details before starting a project or even increasing its spread.

10- Small business trends website

Small business trends website to help you start a project

The last site on our list that offers a lot to entrepreneurs is small business trends.

As you can see in the previous image, the site shares many articles in various fields whose primary goal is to help the project launch and grow.

What interests us here is the part about project ideas , and after launching your own website, you can then delve deeper into marketing, project management, and other topics.

The site is good and has important information, but I prefer the previous two sites more.

Now let me share my opinion with you…

What is the best site that gives you project ideas?

You are definitely looking for a site that gives you project ideas suitable for the Arab world, and therefore sites such as: Profits Expert, Small Projects, and Pioneers of Business are the best.

If you intend to start a project and target the foreign market, my advice is to rely on the Entrepreneur website to get some suitable ideas.

Thus, you have learned about the best site that gives you project ideas, and you can exploit it.

in the end…

If you have a question regarding any of the sites in this guide, do not hesitate to contact us or leave your comment.

About the writer

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