Daily income of 50 riyals (my experience with the best 8 methods)

Daily income of 50 riyals (my experience with the best 8 methods)

Earning a daily income of 50 riyals is easy.

The problem is always continuity, which is why I always advise methods that achieve passive income.

However, most of these methods often require you to invest some money.

And therefore…

We will not talk about it before I tell you about the ways in which you can raise the necessary capital.

But honestly…

Is it possible to get a daily income of 50 riyals?

Yes, you can do that easily, whether through the Internet or even working extracurricularly in a workshop or small store.

But my focus here will be on ways to profit from the Internet only.

Here you have the freedom to choose to work on: 

  • Simple ways to earn 50 riyals daily.
  • Methods that require investment and effort, but the income is continuous and with less effort in the future.

Now let me share with you…

The best ways to get a daily income of 50 riyals

I tried to arrange these methods according to my experiences with them, in addition to the ease of doing them.


If you want easy methods, rely on those at the beginning, but if your goal is to double your daily income over time to a daily income of 200 riyals or even a daily income of 2000 riyals, then start this article from the end to the beginning.

We now start with…

1- Answering questionnaires

Answering opinion polls is one of the ways to make money from the Internet for beginners .

However, it provides you with the possibility of earning a daily income of 50 riyals easily.

The secret here is to register on reliable sites, which provide the highest returns from paid surveys.

There are many sites for earning money from surveys that you can work on, but according to my experience, the two best sites are:

  • Ysense website

I still use this site, and I definitely advise you to work on it.

Its survey prices are good and range from 3 riyals to 25 riyals for one opinion poll.

Therefore, you need 2 or 10 questionnaires, the duration of each questionnaire not exceeding 10 minutes, to get an income of 50 riyals per day.

From my experience with ysense, I was able to withdraw approximately $1,000, as you can see in the picture:

My profits from the ysense website

Register with ysense

And now with my second favorite site, which is…

  • Swagbucks website

Swagbox is one of the sites that I talked about in detail before, but here in brief is all you need to know about it. It is an honest site that pays and enables you to earn good sums of money from the surveys on it.

As you can see in the following picture, I have already withdrawn from the site to my PayPal account:

Proof of payment from swagbucks

Register at swagbucks

2- Mini tasks

Mini-tasks are very similar to the workflow used in answering questionnaires.

Questionnaires are also sometimes considered part of mini-tasks.

But here are the mini tasks I mean:

  • Enter your phone number.
  • Add email.
  • Follow some accounts on social media.
  • Subscribe to some YouTube channels.
  • Register on sites.
  • And others…

But can you get a daily income of 50 riyals from it?

It’s a bit difficult but possible.

All you need to do is register on an honest and reliable site, then complete as many tasks as possible.

From my personal experience, there are GPT sites that you can work on, including:

  • Timebucks website

My experience with Time Packs was and still is the best among all mini-tasking sites.

As you can see in the previous picture, I was able to withdraw approximately $300 from the site:

Proof of profit from timebucks

The best thing about Time Bucks is the availability of a huge number of tasks that you can complete, in addition to a large number of ways to earn.

Register at timebucks

3- Live broadcast on TikTok

I spoke before about the profits of live broadcasting on TikTok, and I do not think that there is anyone now who does not know the size of the profits of Live TikTok.

But it is important to know that getting 50 riyals a day from Tik Tok, especially live broadcasts, requires a rather huge effort from you.

This is for a simple reason…

Live broadcast profits depend mainly on followers’ gifts.

Therefore, you need to gather a huge fan base of followers, and then start appearing on broadcasts, and from here the profits come.

There are many content makers who have already shared their profits on Tik Tok. You can go to YouTube and search and you will find incredible, fabulous profits.

If you would like more knowledge about this field you can read:

4- Resale of services

Reselling services, or as foreigners call it drop servicing, is one of the best areas of profit from the Internet through which you can get a daily income of 50 riyals.

What is the scope of typically selling services?

Here you search for services provided by skilled people at low prices, then sell them to your account at higher prices.

There is more than one method you can rely on for this method, including:

  • Resale on freelancing websites
  • Marketing services via social media.
  • Selling through your own website as a professional company.

In this method it is important to ensure: 

  • The quality of services provided by people.
  • Marketing your products correctly.
  • Calculate the marketing cost and commission of the platform through which you purchase accurately, then add a good profit margin to the prices of the products.

But where do you find these services at cheap prices? 

There is more than one platform that I personally prefer, including:

  • SEO Clerk website: distinguished for obtaining services in the English language.
  • Kafeel: A distinguished Arabic website with reasonable prices for services.

It is important that you can access a special offer from the freelancer who will provide you with the service in order to save on cost.

5- Present your skills on freelance websites

Don’t want to buy and sell and violate the terms of some platforms?

It’s simple, start selling your services and personal skills.

You certainly do not need programming or accounting skills in order to start working online .

There are many simple skills that you can turn into your daily income, for example:

You may think that these skills are not required, but they are in high demand on Fiverr and many foreign freelance platforms.

If you have a skill this will definitely improve your chances of getting started.

But what I want you to get across is that you can start with anything simple.

The best sites you can use to get started are: 

  • Fives
  • Fiverr

6- Affiliate marketing of products

I spoke extensively about affiliate marketing and how you can succeed in this field.

The truth of the matter is that you cannot achieve a daily income of only 50 riyals.

The opportunities here are unlimited. Your daily income can become 200 riyals through it, and it may even reach 2000 riyals.

But the targeted income depends mainly on the investment that you intend to place in your business.

In this field the business model is simple: 

  • Select a product: distinctive and searched for by a good number of people.
  • Selectan affiliate site: These are platforms on which you will find products, which you can market in exchange for a commission.
  • Determine a promotion method: This is what you will use to reach the largest possible number of people.

Once you have identified these elements, all you have to do now is promote directly on the platforms your audience is on.

Or as I always advise, consider building an audience through which you can easily market products.

This is certainly possible through the two methods below.

Where can you find affiliate marketing programs to promote?

  • Linkaraby website (for marketing the Arab market)
  • Impact website (for international products)

7- Create a specialized YouTube channel

Specialized channels are one of the best sources of income that you can rely on, for several reasons:

  • Easier to create content.
  • Show you as a professional.
  • The best in affiliate marketing.
  • Finally, its construction cost is lower.

But are YouTube channels profitable at all? 

I have a complete guide in this blog about the profits of YouTube channels , and how much YouTube pays for 1000 views. I definitely advise you to read the two guides to learn how profitable this field is.

The short answer is, yes, specialized YouTube channels, or as Niche is called, are very profitable.

Here are the very simple steps: 

It’s very simple, but if you need detailed information I definitely recommend checking out my free YouTube course

8- Start a specialized blog

Starting a specialized electronic blog is the best electronic project for beginners.

It is also my favorite way to generate continuous daily passive income.

Despite the many obstacles in the path of bloggers, it is a path worth taking.

The steps for creating a blog are very similar to the channel steps above.


Here you need to learn another basic skill:

  • Content writing: If you intend to work on your blog yourself.
  • Content Analysis: If you are going to hire writers to write your articles.

Is blogging a reliable source of daily income? 

You want a daily income of 50 riyals, right?

You can achieve multiples of this amount daily through blogging, but it requires strong effort.

I posted on the profits of a new blog that I worked on for 4 months and it started to give me a fairly good daily income.

As you can see in the picture, the profits are good, given that it is a simple project that only started 4 months ago:

E-blogging profitsBut…

If you want quick ways to make money, blogging is definitely not the right way for you.

I will not go on for a long discussion here, just look at the guides for blogging and you will learn everything you need:

These were the best sources for me to earn a daily income of 50 riyals.

Each person has different methods that are suitable for him, so I advise you to choose the method that is best and most appropriate for you.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact me and leave your comment.

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