Explaining profit from the Neobux website (full experience)

Explaining profit from the Neobux website (full experience)

The neobux website is considered one of the oldest sites for earning money from watching ads to date, and some people have actually been able to earn hundreds of dollars from it.

But …….

Can you earn these amounts from it now??

This is what I will put in your hands on this topic.

Therefore, we decided to provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the site and share with you our experience with Neobux.

Are you ready to start?

Is Neobux a scam?

Before we begin explaining the site and ways to profit from it, let us first answer the most important question…

How reliable is Neobux??

So far, the site is honest and pays, and we have already received some money from it.

So make sure you will receive your money.

What is the neobux website and the most important information about it?

  •  Neobux is one of the most famous and oldest sites for making money from watching ads. The site was established in 2008.
  •  The neobux website is available to all countries around the world.
  • The site is free and there is no need to pay any money to register on the site
  •  You can advertise your website, blog, or anything through the website with the deception prevention feature so that you do not get fake visits. 
  • The site is honest and has been paying members for a long time
  •  The site offers several ways to profit, including profit from watching advertisements, profit from performing some tasks such as games or surveys, and also profit by inviting people to register on the site, and also profit by renting referrals.
  •  You can earn from 2 cents per day to $5 depending on your effort and your country.
  • You can double your profits by purchasing a premium membership (but I do not advise you to do so except in very special cases).  

You may also likethe best sites for earning Bitcoin by watching ads 

Explaining how to register on the Neobux website 

1- Go to the
Neobux  and click on Register2- Fill in all the required data
3- Go to the email that you entered. You will find that the site has sent a confirmation message to your email. Click on the link and thus you have activated your email
4- Enter your username and password to access your email.

How to profit from the Neobux website  

The Neobux website provides many ways to profit from the site, including: 

1- Profit from watching ads 

This method is the direct way to profit from the site, but you will find that the site provides a small number of advertisements, which sometimes do not exceed 1 cent.

2- Profit from opinion polls 

One of the new ways added by the neobux site for profit.

I think that surveys are currently

the best wayto profit from Neobux, as you can earn $5-10 per day from these surveys.Once you register and log in to the site, you will find a window called Surveys that contains dozens of surveys that you can complete.

Profit from Neobux and surveys

Learn about:

  The comprehensive guide to profiting from opinion polls  3- Profiting from referrals

Profiting from referrals or referrals is another way you can profit through the Neobux website.

All you have to do is put your link and invite friends to participate through you, and when your friends win, you also win a percentage of their profits (without affecting them)

There are two types of referrals: 

* Direct referral and is obtained through your link
* Referral is rented and rented from the site.

You can profit from referrals only after you click on 100 ads and become an active member for 15 days.

 Referral rental 

The referral is rented to you for a month, and the price of each referral is 20 cents. This referral may be active or not.

There was a very popular foreign strategy in which you rent a large number of referrals and start earning multiples of the amounts you paid, but it has become ineffective now due to the large number of inactive referrals.

* If the referral is inactive, you can replace it. The replacement cost for each referral is 7 cents or 93 points (points are obtained when clicking on advertisements or completing various tasks)

4- Profit from performing various tasks

There are many tasks on the site that you can do and in return get some money, such as: 

  •  Solve some tests 

  • Download some applications and test them 

  • Some games that you can play in exchange for some points  

There are many companies that Neobux deals with to obtain tasks, so you will find dozens of tasks daily.
Profits for the tasks you perform are paid after 60 days from the date of completing those tasks, which is a very long period.

Methods of payment and withdrawal of your profits from neobux

1- Minimum withdrawal limit
The minimum withdrawal from the site for your first time is $2 , and the minimum is increased by $1 every other time after the first time until you reach the fixed minimum of $10.

2- Method of paying dividends

Profits are paid when the minimum limit is reached, through one of two methods: 

  •  skrill bank 
  •  nettler bank 
  • Digital currencies (Bitcoin – Litecoin – Ethereum – etc.)
  • PayPal 
  • Bank transfer

Neobux website features

1- The site is honest and pays users. 
2- The site is old and is considered one of the most famous sites for making money from watching ads. 
3- It contains a variety of profit methods that you can use. 
4- A secure site. 
5- The minimum payment is relatively low.
6- Payment is made quickly from the Neobux website, within a period not exceeding 3 days.

Disadvantages of the Neobux website 

1- The number of advertisements is very small 
2- A waste of time to some extent 
3- The referrals that you rent are usually inactive, meaning that you buy the referrals and do not receive profits from them. 
4- 60 days until the mission profits are added to your account for a long period.    
5- Reaching the minimum of $2 takes a long time 

 Neobux website payment proof

In terms of credibility, the Neobux website is considered one of the most reliable sites for earning money from advertisements.

But to be more reassured…

Here is our proof of payment to our Skrill account.

Proof of Neobux paying money from watching ads

Should I subscribe to the Neobux website (personal opinion)

As I always say, sites that make money from watching ads will not provide you with a good monthly income that you can rely on.

Therefore, I always advise starting with methods such as

sites for earning money from tasks, as they provide more profits.But ….

If you think that $2 – $15 or $30 per month is a number worth wasting your time on, register on the site.

But I think that the neobux site cannot be relied upon

unless it is profitable from surveys.If you need that money for any purpose other than relying on it as a source of income, you can register on the site.

Do you have any questions ?

If you would like to ask anything about neobux or any other site, do not hesitate to leave your comment.

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