How to profit from YouTube for beginners (from A to Z) 2024

How to profit from YouTube for beginners (from A to Z) 2024

Profiting from YouTube is difficult!!

You didn’t think I would tell you this, did you?

But this is unfortunately the truth.

Therefore, if you are not diligent and intend to work hard and be patient until you build your brand on YouTube, do not start.

Yes, do not start. Although it is very profitable and sometimes better than launching a company, it is difficult and not a suitable field for those who want to make a quick profit from the Internet .

Until you are convinced that the ways to profit from YouTube are not an easy matter, let me tell you the series of steps that you must take in order to start earning money from it.

The series on making money from YouTube includes:

  1. Choose the channel idea .
  2. Now you have to choose the channel name .
  3. It’s time to launch, configure and display your channel professionally.
  4. Then choose good video ideas to start.
  5. Now it’s time to design the video and edit it before uploading.
  6. Then pay attention to YouTube SEO for both your channel and videos
  7. Now it’s time to increase subscribers to your channel .
  8. Then increase the views of your YouTube channel.
  9. Now it’s time to use ways to profit from YouTube.
  10. The final step now is to increase your channel’s profits to achieve the maximum benefit.

Is it as easy as you thought?

of course no…

However, the topic is indeed very profitable and worth all these great efforts.

Since you have reached this point in the topic, you are already interested and have the determination to get started.

Congratulations, you will become a successful YouTuber🤝

So let me briefly answer the following question and then we will talk about each method in detail…

How to profit from YouTube?

According to our experience, there are 12 ways through which you can profit from YouTube, the most famous of which are AdSense ads, paid ads, and affiliate, and then come all the sales methods, such as selling your e-book or course, or promoting your services on freelance sites, and other methods.

But let me answer a question that you must keep in front of you all the time, which is….

How to become a successful YouTuber (the basis for earning money from YouTube)?

There is one thing I need you to put all your energy into and that is content .

  • Make sure your information is very valuable in every video.
  • Pay attention to the video and make it very professional.
  • Make the way you narrate the content interactive to show that you are passionate about what you are presenting.
  • The most important thing now is to make benefiting the viewer your priority, even when you sell a product to him.

Providing what the viewer wants in the way the viewer wants turns him into a potential customer and loyal follower.

These steps are what made the channels in this picture the highest profitable on YouTube in 2020, according to Forbes

Top 10 YouTubers in terms of earnings

Now let’s talk a little about…

How to profit from YouTube in 2021?

There are dozens of ways to make money from YouTube, but we will definitely share the best and most famous.

Note: Each niche on YouTube contains hundreds of different opportunities for profit.

Therefore, I certainly will not be able to tell you all the methods for each field.

Let’s start with the easiest and most popular method…

1- Earn money from AdSense ads

Almost 99% of YouTubers around the world use it as their primary way to make money from YouTube.

In fact, there is no easier way.

If you think that it is not profitable, perhaps you should launch the study that we conducted to find out the profits of YouTube channels. You will be shocked by the size of the profits that the channels achieve.

This is one of the examples that I took from Iyad Abu Ghosh’s channel to see how much one video achieved for him>>>

Profit from YouTube and AdSense

The results of the study in the end were that every 1000 views on Arabic content had an average of $0.5 to $2.

This profit amount depends mainly on the countries of the viewers, the duration of viewing, as well as the content of the video and many other factors…

But how can you start placing ads on your channel?

In order to be able to start using AdSense ads for your channel, there are some conditions that you must follow, the most important of which are:

  • You get 1000 real subscribers.
  • Your videos must receive 4,000 hours of views.
  • Certainly, your channel will be accepted in Google’s review.

Profiting from YouTube ads is the best way for most content creators in the world.

But if you want to profit from YouTube without AdSense, perhaps you should work on these methods…

2- Your sponsored ads

The natural development for any successful YouTuber is to get a sponsor for his videos.

In fact, this method is very profitable, much more than any other method.

But in order to be able to profit from YouTube in this way, it is necessary to transform your channel from an ordinary channel into a strong brand that includes hundreds of thousands of people.

Bonus: You may not need hundreds of thousands of people. It is enough for you to launch a channel in a micro-niche, let’s say (binary options), and if you are able to attract a lot of viewers, it is natural that you will find the best companies in this field willing to advertise on your channel and promote their services through you.


Create a plan from day one aimed at turning your channel into a strong brand.

There are many examples of channels with Sponsors, the most important of which are:

  • Ahmed Abu Zaid channel (online lessons).
  • Ashraf Ibrahim Channel (Economic Laboratory).
  • And others….

There are a lot of people who got sponsors but they were definitely diligent enough to get those sponsors.

Additional bonus: Even small channels can earn money in this way. Just go to freelancing sites and offer to make an advertisement on your channel (and study the number of subscribers) in return.

For example, what my friend Alia offers through her channel , even though it has a small number of subscribers:

Earn money from YouTube through sponsored ads

3- Profit from your channel and affiliate

Affiliate marketing is not just for beginners…

In fact, some people believe that it is not suitable at all for beginners because they often do not have an in-depth understanding of what it offers.

But what I know for sure is that in addition to being the best method for those with experience, it is also very suitable for beginners.

Better yet, whether you have a large number of followers or a small number of them, you can earn money from YouTube in this way.

Bonus: The most important thing you have to do when marketing a product is not to show that you need to profit from it. Just prove to the viewer that he needs it and it will help him improve his life in one way or another.

All you have to do is: 

  • To search for a product, site, or service that is useful to a specific group of people, let us assume (a weight loss product).
  • Now all you have to do is access affiliate marketing networks that provide you with the ability to promote the product to them.
  • Then start registering on those sites and you will get a link that is unique to you and that you keep.
  • Now study all the information about the product and find out what people think about it on the Internet.
  • Start preparing the episode in which you review this product and make sure it benefits the viewer as much as possible.
  • After that and the final step, put the link in the video description and refer to it in the video as you speak.
  • Congratulations, someone has purchased the product and you can now withdraw your profits from the company via PayPal or another bank.

Now let’s move on to another method, which is…

4- Profit from your channel and blog

If you have a YouTube channel that you can earn $100 a day from, then having a blog to which you send these followers will make your profits $200 from the same people.

Therefore, it is necessary when starting blogging to have a blog at some point, whether at the beginning or after a while.

You combine them to achieve the maximum possible benefit.

There are many examples that do this, in fact, almost 90% of YouTubers do this.

In order to help you get started as much as possible, I have written a comprehensive guide called How to Create a Blog and Profit from It. Make sure to read it carefully before starting.

Of all the ways to profit from YouTube, I strongly recommend this method because it will greatly help you cut halfway and double what you achieve with ease.

Now let’s talk about a slightly more difficult method, which is…

5- Selling video editing services

Now that you are a YouTuber and are making your own videos, it is natural that you can help other people create their own videos.

But definitely in return.

Just make sure to release excellent videos so that you can attract people to buy your videos.

This method is considered an initial step towards making profits from your YouTube channel, but over time you may dispense with it and focus on releasing videos for your channel only when profits increase.

Note: You can provide these services on freelancer sites , whether Arab or foreign, but I definitely recommend Fiverr to start.

6- Provide voiceover services

As I mentioned before, voice over services are considered one of the most areas of profit from the Internet .

Therefore, if you want to earn some money from your channel, especially girls, this method is very suitable for you.

Bonus: In most cases, you will not be able to provide such a service on foreign sites, so perhaps you should use the Khamsat website, which is considered one of the best sites for making money from the Internet in the Arabic language . Do not worry, it is honest.

7- Sell tangible products

Starting to sell your own products is the professional development of any successful YouTube channel.

Trade in general is the best way to profit.

E-commerce in particular is the best in terms of low cost.

For example:

  • You have a channel that talks about slimming and weight loss.
  • Now you want to make money from your content without the need for ads.
  • All you have to do is go to the wholesalers around you and search for excellent products, buy them and store them.
  • Now create your online store (you can use the Expandcart platform, Cart, or Shopify).
  • After that, you upload pictures of your products to the store and configure the settings (payment – shipping – ….).
  • Now start preparing videos explaining your products or promoting them in the middle of your videos.
  • It is important that you do not forget to put the product link in the description box.

Now the best way that many do is…

8- Profit from YouTube by selling digital products

Digital products are not the easiest way to profit from YouTube, but their profits are very large.

You may be surprised that there are channels based entirely on selling these digital products. I was also the same way. I couldn’t believe it.


What digital products can you make money from YouTube by selling?

There are dozens of products, but let’s talk about the most important ones, which include:

  • Your paid courses.
  • Programming services in general.
  • E-books (cookbooks – marketing books – etc.).
  • Launch a microservices website and start promoting it and making money from it through your channel’s audience.
  • And others…

But in general, courses and books are the most popular and sold in most fields.

After quite a bit of study, the best niches in making money from YouTube through this method were….

  • Marketing field (books and courses).
  • The field of electronic commerce (books and courses).
  • Cooking content (books), especially foreign ones.
  • Blogging field (books and courses).
  • The field of video making (explanation courses).

In general, this method can be used in many fields, but….

It is important to become a professional and have non-public information to share with your audience and ensure good ratings that will help you attract more buyers and thus increase the channel’s profits.

But are there other ways to make money? Let’s move on to another good method, which is…

9- Providing SEO services for YouTube

It’s natural to want your videos to appear as soon as someone searches for a topic.

This is the job of YouTube SEO…

By optimizing your channel and following things that already work and are proven, you will definitely be able to improve the visibility of your channel once someone searches on YouTube.

After you improve your channel, why don’t you start helping others in exchange for money?

One of the most popular services that can be provided here iskeywords for YouTube .

Keywords are what people search for on YouTube, and although this is not difficult, many people actually purchase this service.

Look at this picture to know the size of the demand for this service:

Providing YouTube channel optimization services on Fiverr

As you can see, the service has been sold more than 238 times, and there are two purchase orders.

If we assume that all of these services sold enable you to earn $5 from each one of them only, then their profits would be $1,190.

You, too, can provide the same service and start mastering this skill. All you need is to read our guide, which we have placed for you above, before the picture.

10- Create a paid community

Like profit from paid courses, books, or products, but better.

Here you can create a community with exclusive information or direct communication with you and secrets that you can share in exchange for a fee that is renewed on a monthly basis.

Thus, in addition to profiting from all the above methods, you have achieved a continuous monthly income for yourself by launching a paid group or forum.

But this will definitely not happen at the beginning of the YouTube path.

In order to be able to launch a successful paid community, you basically have to have some audience that trusts that you will actually benefit them and that they will get much more than the value you are asking for.

11- Profit from fundraising on YouTube

Now to the easiest method ever, which many YouTubers around the world have begun to do.

Here, all you have to do is provide excellent content for your channel with excellent information.

Instead of selling this information in a paid course, tell your viewers to start donating to your channel so that it continues.

Thus, you will find yourself making money from YouTube in this way.

The most popular fundraising site is Patreon.

Sometimes some collect donations via PayPal or Bitcoin.

The most famous example of making money from YouTube in this way is: Algae channel, which has about 9 levels of support. Perhaps you can get an idea about Patreon through their account on it .

Now let’s move on to the final method of making money from YouTube, which is…

12- Profit from selling your channel

Now you have managed to make a fortune from YouTube and you do not want to continue, or for example, you have several channels and you want to sell one of them to devote yourself to others.

Whatever the reasons, you may one day have to sell your YouTube channel.

Although it is a source of income for you, the basic principle in any project is not to take it personally and become attached to it.

All you have to do now is:

  • The value of your channel is estimated (its monthly profit * 10, 15, or even 40) depending on your content, profits, and field.
  • Looking for a buyer (Facebook groups – fameswap website – offering them for sale on your channel itself – ….).
  • Now receive your money using any payment method agreed upon.

Sometimes the sale takes place through a personal meeting between the two parties.

Disclaimer: Never provide your account information to anyone before you receive your money or use a trusted broker.

Now you may want to offer your YouTube channel for sale on Fameswap…

Selling channel on fameswap

These were the best ways to profit from YouTube for beginners, and you can start with any of them.

Now your turn…

Tell me which method among these methods is best for you?

Have you decided to start advertising like everyone else, or have you found affiliate marketing to be a unique method?

If I have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us so we can tell you everything you need to know.

About the writer

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