Online projects in the Emirates (top 6 in detail)

Online projects in the Emirates (top 6 in detail)

Do you want to start a project and need online project ideas in the Emirates?

You may find many ideas out there, but rest assured that I will share with you the best projects that generate a distinguished income.

add to that…

I will provide you with the most important small details that he will not tell you about how to start each project and the best sources that you should benefit from.

Hence, you will be able to get started directly after this article.

If that’s what you need, let’s jump in and tell you in detail…

How much does it cost to create an online project in the UAE?

The cost of establishing an online project in the Emirates varies depending on the idea of ​​the project and its size. Of course, starting a project will require a lower cost due to the small requirements of the project and the labor that you will need, but with time the cost will increase.

The opposite is also true. You can start with a huge cost in order to give a strong boost to your project, then reduce the cost.

Each of these strategies is suitable for one person and not suitable for another.

So let’s agree on the initial cost of the projects if the capital you have is not large.

Any of the projects that I will share with you below will have a start-up cost between 1,000 dirhams and 50,000 dirhams.

I will tell you the cost for each project separately, don’t worry.

Now let’s move on to learn about…

The best online projects in the Emirates

The electronic projects that will be mentioned at the beginning are projects that do not require large capital to start.

In fact, these are the projects that I prefer more than others.

So let me share with you my all-time favorite project…

1- An electronic blog project

Some people talk about the end of the blogging era and that it has not become a good project like before.

But from personal experience the topic is worth it.

At the beginning of this year, I launched a new blog and relied on my modest experience in writing articles and published approximately more than 140 articles.

The blog did not achieve significant profits for about 6 months, but in the 8th month, the blog’s profits were as you can see in the picture:

New blog profits from advertising

My investment in this project was approximately 250 dirhams initially to launch the blog without any articles.

But since it is a project that you want to start, let us add to the cost the cost of the articles that you wrote, which will approximately be 140 articles * 35 dirhams (the price of the article) = 4900 dirhams.

That is, you can start an electronic blog project without your intervention for 5,000 dirhams.

But is this a good project?

Let’s calculate the return on your investment:

  • Your total investment: 5,000 dirhams.
  • Monthly return in the last 6 months: 200 dirhams.
  • That is, by the end of the first year you will receive: 1,200 dirhams.
  • Return on your investment in the first year: approximately 20%.
  • We did not take into account the possibility of selling your blog for approximately 4,000 dirhams if you continue to achieve this profit.

But you will definitely invest more, the profits will double, and the amount you can sell your blog for will double.

Which projects are now achieving this return passively without your intervention?

Note: The best time to sell your blog is after receiving revenue from it for a year or two.

And now…

How do you start this project? 

  • Select the blog topic: Here I recommend one of the following areas: money, electronic commerce, digital currencies, investment, and trading.
  • Launch your blog: You will need hosting and a name for your blog. You can purchase both from Bluehost for no more than approximately 250 dirhams.
  • Buy articles for your blog: You can do this through freelance platforms. I initially recommend relying on the Khamsat website, but choose someone who has a huge number of positive reviews to maintain the quality of the articles.
  • Keep posting: until you get a good number of visits to your site.
  • Start generating income: whether through blog advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling your own product.

Want more?Read:How to create a blog and make a profit from it

2- YouTube channel project

The YouTube channel project is one of the appropriate online projects in the Emirates and other countries.

Here you can start a channel in two ways: 

  • Appear as yourself to provide content.
  • Create a Cash Cow channel without appearing.

If you are a fan of passive income like me, my advice is to earn money from YouTube without appearing .

In the guide that I shared with you in the previous line, I talked in detail about how to create a channel without visibility.

But let me explain to you the nature of the work of these channels: 

  • You choose a field for the channel, let’s say motivational videos.
  • You go to Fiverr and look for people who do cash cow videos.
  • You start publishing videos continuously until you reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 views of your videos.
  • You can now apply to Google’s advertising profit program.
  • Once you are accepted, you will receive income for views on your channel.

Here I highly recommend starting a foreign channel, despite its higher cost.

The secret is simple, which is the excellent profits from the foreign audience, which amount to $25 for every 1,000 views .

As for Arabic content, the return ranges from 1 to a maximum of $10.

An example of this project: Alux channel, which achieves a monthly income exceeding 20 thousand dollars.

Want to get started?

Read these articles and benefit from them: 

3- A specialized online store project

Starting an online store is a unique electronic project in the UAE due to the increase in online purchasing.

But if you want to launch a huge online store like the existing stores, the cost will be very huge and may reach millions of dollars.


Because we are about to start, we will start an online store specializing in selling specific goods.

for example…

  • Sports clothing store.
  • A store that sells women’s bags.
  • And so on…

Thus, we save huge costs, especially when purchasing from wholesalers or importing from abroad.

Here you do not need a company to implement the store for you.

Fortunately, there are many platforms that enable you to do this with just a few simple clicks.

The most important of these platforms that I recommend are: 

  • Shopify.
  • Expandcart.


First you have to:

  • Determine the most important products required in the Kingdom, and where you will purchase them.
  • Next determine the appropriate marketing methods for your audience.
  • Finally, how you will carry out shipping and collection operations from customers.

Read also:8 inexpensive projects in the Emirates

4- Trade project on Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA or Fulfillment by Amazon means sending products to Amazon warehouses to display them in front of buyers and carry out shipping and collection operations from them.

This project is considered one of the best online projects that you can do in the Emirates or any other country.

Here we are talking about Amazon Global, not Amazon AE, although you can register as a seller with it.

Unlike previous projects, the cost of this project may be somewhat large compared to them.

The reason for the high cost is due to:

  • Buy products in bulk from China.
  • There is huge competition, and therefore you need to make paid ads on the site to improve the visibility of your product to customers.

The problem with this project is that you need an in-depth study to know the most important products required.

Then you need to take a risk and buy products in large quantities from Chinese sites such as: Alibaba.

Then register as a seller and send the products to Amazon warehouses.

The project has many details that I cannot include all of them in this article.


Here isa free course explaining the entire field on YouTube

You can also use some paid courses through the Udemy platform .

5- An electronic services company project

Establishing a professional company to provide electronic services that include:

  • Content writing.
  • E-Marketing.
  • the design.
  • Sites Design.
  • Create video.
  • And others…

This is our next project, which is considered one of the best online projects in the Emirates.

Here the cost depends mainly on the size of the company you intend to start.

For example…

You can start with no capital at all by turning the company into a website to provide services.

Instead of hiring people to provide these skills with a monthly salary, you can rely on the drop servicing method.

Here you do: 

  • All list of professionals who already provide services on freelance sites (it is important that they have many positive reviews).
  • Launching a website and providing services on it.
  • Start marketing those services.
  • Once a customer requests a service from you, you send it to the freelancer to implement it.
  • After implementing it, you deliver it to the customer.

The idea here is to set a profit margin on the price of the service provided by the freelancer. If the freelancer offers it for $10, you will display it on your site at $20.


If you already have a budget, you can always hire a strong team to work with you for a fixed monthly salary.

6- Business recycling project

Recycling electronic projects is a project that you can do online in the Emirates and achieve a more than excellent return through it.

Here is how it works: 

  • We are looking for an electronic project that already exists and generates good income.
  • We begin to evaluate the project and find out its profits for the last 6 months.
  • We take the average of those profits and multiply it by 12 to 35. This is the price of the business you will be purchasing.
  • Now start working on this project in the same way, for a year or two.
  • Profits will increase, so you can sell it at a higher price than the price you bought it at.
  • And do not forget that you have received a monthly income for 12 months as an additional bonus.

The best projects that I highly recommend taking up are blogging.


You can also start rotating: 

  • Instagram accounts.
  • YouTube channels.

What about the project cost?

Since I prefer to start buying and selling foreign sites, you will need a capital of at least $5,000 to start.

This is approximately 20 thousand dirhams.

The best ways to get good sites to buy them are: 

These were the best online projects in the UAE that you can implement and expect a good income from.

Now tell me…

Which of the above projects do you think would be best for you?

About the writer

عن الكاتب

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