Profit from CPA marketing (explanation from scratch) 2024

Profit from CPA marketing (explanation from scratch) 2024

Earning money from CPA or action marketing is still possible in 2022.

Despite the presence of many opinions that talk about the end of the era of CPA marketing, whether on the Arab or foreign web.

However, it still exists and is considered one of the most areas of freelancing online for many people.

Since I searched for an extensive explanation of this field on the Arabic web, I found only a little information, which is mostly outdated.

I decided to write this topic in detail for beginners.

Here you will learn a lot of information, even if your experience in this field is limited or non-existent.

More importantly, you will be able to profit after completing this series if you focus and apply it.

This topic is just an introduction to a detailed explanation in the free CPA marketing course that I have put together for you.

Now let us not prolong this introduction and begin quickly…

What is cpa marketing?

CPA is an abbreviation for the term (cost per action), meaning the cost in exchange for completing a specific work or action.

But this is what most Arab sites are actually talking about. What’s new?😔.

You may have followed our affiliate marketing courseaffiliate .

The difference here between affiliate marketing and CPA is:

  • In affiliate networks, a person must buy something in order to receive a commission.
  • As for CPA offers, the visitor (traffic) that you bring does not buy a product and pay.

But what will he do and why do you charge for it?!

You get money in CPA offers because the visitor completes a specific action. This action is considered the beginning of the purchasing (benefit) chain.

Unlike affiliate marketing, you will not have any role in it.

But what is this action that the visitor you are promoting will take?!

Let me now answer an important question…

Why do marketers use CPA campaigns to promote and sell?

You are probably wondering now why would anyone want to pay money (sometimes $20) to get a person’s email?

Don’t you wonder?!

Remember above when I told you that the action that a person takes is the beginning of the chain of purchases that will happen behind the scenes?!

I hope you remember that well.

  • When a person enters his email in order to obtain an offer or discount, the advertiser thus obtains the person’s email.
  • From that moment, the advertiser sends offers, products, courses, etc. to the person via his e-mail.
  • These offers are often made by the customer (the email owner) who pays attention to one of them and then purchases.
  • Here the advertiser’s profit is, and those small dollars that he initially paid to you are nothing compared to the profits he gets from selling his product.

Do you understand now why this advertiser or product owner is paying?

Let us now move on to….

How do CPA profit sites work?

So we know what is CPA marketing? What are the types of offers made by the visitor?

Now, how do CPA sites work?

The equation now includes 4 parties that must be present:

  • Advertiser.
  • cpa company
  • A publisher is sometimes called a marketer (that’s you).
  • Crowd (traffic).

When the publisher subscribes to the CPA site (the intermediary) and reaches the appropriate audience (traffic) that the advertiser seeks, and this audience carries out the required action……

You now deserve your profit or commission.

I would very much like to talk about some of the technical issues in this process, but I do not want to make this explanation difficult to understand, especially for beginners.

But you may be wondering now, how do the CPA company and the advertiser know that you are the one who brought the person to the offer?

The answer simply boils down to the link through which you market your CPA offer.

This link includes a unique code for each publisher, through which the visitors that the publisher brings can be tracked.

This information is sufficient for now, and we will discuss it in detail, but only after you understand this field more broadly.

Is it possible to profit from CPA marketing?

On many Arab sites, you will find that profit from CPA still exists and you can make thousands of dollars from it.

On the contrary, you will find many foreign websites talking about that CPA marketing has become an unreliable field!!!

But who should you believe now?

Let’s believe both sides.

Simply profit from CPA, and contrary to what many foreigners say, it is still profitable. There are some people who profit daily from CPA up to $1000 (an amount that is not exaggerated. You will find these numbers in the list of the best marketers in different companies).

But because this field is already profitable and fairly easy (it does not require time, but it often requires money), the competition has become very great.

Therefore, you have to put in more effort and spend more money in order to achieve reliable monthly profits.

The difficulty, and what makes this work more difficult with the passage of time, is that people can now distinguish these offers, unlike previous years, when most people, when they saw an advertisement for a competition to win an iPhone, for example, put in their phone number and email without thinking.

The golden rule of earning from CPA is: 

Choosing the appropriate offer and reaching the appropriate audience with the appropriate promotion method.

Suitable offer + target audience + correct marketing method = successful campaigns = big profits from CPA marketing

How much can I earn from CPA?

It is not wise to ask yourself this question now while you are still learning, don’t you think so?!

But if you are wondering:

How much can you earn from one CPA offer?

The answer is that the offer price ranges from 0.03 – 10 or 50 dollars (the high prices for offers to enter payment cards).

But if your question is…

How much can you profit from the CPA field in general?

My answer is: I do not know for sure how serious you are in this field and what extent of investment you will make? What tools will you use?

But of course, if you are serious about working, you can earn from 50 to 100 dollars per month.

(I do not wish to sell illusions, so excuse me for not wanting to put up imaginary numbers, as you are just beginning.)

Advantages of CPA marketing for the publisher or marketer

Now, what motivates you to promote CPA offers?

You may now be wondering what makes this field special to begin with….

The truth is that there are some reasons that make this field the best for some people who want to start working online.

The most important of these reasons are:

1- Many conversions from CPA offers

In contrast to affiliate marketing, people in CPA offers are more interactive because they do not have to buy anything or pay any money just to complete a simple offer.

Which makes conversions of CPA offers and completion of offers more.

2- CPA ads are not annoying

Sometimes but not all the time!!!

If you are a blogger like me or own a website, then you certainly know very well how annoying ads are, and sometimes your account may be closed with the advertising company that places its ads.

Therefore, profiting from CPA may be considered one of the most important options that you can resort to in order to benefit from your traffic.

3- Easy to implement

Unlike some methods of making money online, in many cases you may not need a website.

(I definitely recommend it highly.)

Or create content or something else.

Just set up a good landing page ad campaign and optimize that campaign.

Once you find some good conversions from that campaign, increase the amount you spend and you will get higher profits.

Quite simply, but…

Why is it important to have a website or blog before starting CPA marketing?

Most of the famous CPA sites with the best offer prices accept marketers who already have a professional website faster.

Therefore, having a website (blog) is extremely important for acceptance on some professional websites.

But there are other good sites through which you can earn money from CPA without a website, and we will talk about them.

Now let’s get to know…

How to choose the best niche for you?

Some people think that they can go and choose any products from niches (different sections), promote them and make profits.

But if you want to work in the correct manner, follow up your campaigns in an excellent manner, and correctly evaluate what is useful and what is not, then you must choose a suitable niche and start focusing on it until you get to know the secrets of this field.

This is what I will teach you how to do now.

But quickly let me tell you…

What is Niche?

It is the specialty in which you will promote affiliate offers.

In general, each niche contains hundreds or thousands of offers. The health field, for example, can be considered a niche, and within this health niche there are thousands of offers for weight loss, sports equipment, and skin and hair products.

Is the picture simpler now?

Now let me tell you the steps for choosing the appropriate niche…

There are 3 basic steps through which you can confirm the niche you have chosen, which are…

The first step: Identify the extent of the audience’s interest in this niche

You can do this through some appropriate analysis tools (keyword tools).

These tools provide you with the ability to know the number of people searching for specific words or phrases.

For example, I want to know the people who are searching for (the best weight loss product). I will go to one of those tools and write that sentence and the monthly number will appear.

The most important of these tools are:

  • Google Keyword Planner (free).
  • Seobility is a paid tool and has a free plan (an excellent tool).
  • Sem rush is paid and its price is rather high.
  • Ahrefs is also paid.

What will these tools do for you?

These tools will provide you with information about:

  • The number of visitors searching for that word.
  • The device used.
  • Country.
  • Similar words people are searching for.

You will do this in several sentences and keywords so that you know that this field has many people interested in it.

Step Two: Does the niche contain CPA offers?

It is obvious that a niche that has a large number of interested people will contain many CPA offers!!!

But to make sure that this niche contains many offers that suit us, we can use two sites:

  • Offer vault.
  • Odigger

These sites are the search engines for CPA offers.

They are sites specialized in CPA and affiliate offers, so there is nothing better than these two sites to know whether or not our niche contains offers.

What now ?

We go to the two sites in the example (offervault) and select: 

  • The country we will be promoting offers to.
  • The niche whose offers we will promote.

As in the picture, here you choose:

  • Niche: health and beauty.
  • Country: United States

Choose cpa offers

From the picture we notice that:

  •  Health niche contains 232 offers.
  • Therefore, it can be promoted because it has many interested people and contains CPA offers.

Now we have to make sure of one last thing…

The third step: The amount of competition in the niche

There are some simple steps that will help you know the competition in the niche:

Keyword tools, do you remember them?

These tools, in addition to the number of people interested in the niche, provide you with the extent of competition for each of the keywords you are searching for.

Thus, you know whether you can promote it or not.

The CPC of the word.

That is, the cost per click of a word, which is higher, the more competitors (advertisers) are working on that word, and therefore the competition is difficult.

Therefore, it requires you to have a higher budget.

It can also be obtained through the analysis tools above.

Use a VPN

After choosing the country, choosing the specialization, and knowing the best offers, use a VPN to change your country to the country for the offer.

Then search for that word, any word, in the niche on the search engine, and if you find many search ads, this means that the competition for that word is difficult.

The best profitable niches in the CPA field

You may think that some niches are more profitable than others in CPA offers.

And this is indeed true.

But as profit rates increase, the difficulty and competition also increase.

In addition, in the field of your website or YouTube channel, even if the offers are low in price, you can achieve much more than any other niche.

But if you still want to know the best niches, these are the ones with the highest prices:

  • Health field.
  • Earn money.
  • The field of romantic stories.
  • Games field.
  • Last but not least are hobbies in general.

Types of offers in CPA marketing

This action often varies depending on the advertiser’s purpose.

But the most famous types of action on CPA sites are as follows:

  • Enter email.
  • Enter phone number.
  • Download an application.
  • Add his payment card.
  • Complete a survey.
  • Register on the site.
  • Enter the postal code
  • Depositing on any site for the first time is considered Action is charged as if it were a CPA offer.

There are many CPA firms you can join.

But what I want you to know is that the offers are not limited only to these companies.

For example: 

Fiverr, which is considered the most famous site among freelancing sites, offers CPA as a means for its marketers.

After joining its affiliate network, you can promote a specific service on the site, use a special link to CPA offers, and get a good amount once someone makes a purchase for the first time.

And so on…

Now let me tell you something else very important, which is….

How to choose the best CPA offer for you?

After you know how to choose the appropriate niche for you, it is also important to choose the CPA offer very carefully.

Here are some important notes to help you choose the best:

  1. Choose an offer that provides value and something that helps the person you are promoting, especially if you own a website.
  2. It is important that the landing page for the offer is professional, otherwise your conversion rate will be very low, and thus you will not achieve profits, but rather large expenses on advertising.
  3. Easy offers are the best, so choose offers such as entering a phone number or email.
  4. The real offers that are most convincing to you, even if their profits are small, are the best for the person you are promoting.
  5. The commission from the offer is not the primary motivation because many offers with high prices may be very difficult or require payment and therefore their conversion rate is low. Just choose the appropriate one that can bring you good conversion rates.
  6. Reading all the details of the offer requested by the advertiser is very important before starting the promotion.
  7. Offers with a few steps, 2 or 3 steps maximum, are the best, even if their prices are lower than offers that contain 6 or 7 steps, which often get the visitor bored before filling them out.

Advice on profiting from some CPA offers

There are many CPA offers that contain fraud or exploitation of the visitor, especially some offers to enter a Visa card or some types of products that are of no benefit.

Therefore, promoting these offers is up to your personal conscience, and I strongly advise avoiding them, even if the profits from them are very large.

Now let’s get to know…

The most important terms of CPA marketing

  • Advertiser: The advertiser is the one who adds the offer to CBI.
  • Publisher: The marketer, in this case you.
  • CPA network: The CPA site you work with.
  • Affiliate manager (AM): Your account manager, with whom it is important that you have a good relationship, as he will constantly help you reach the best offers and the best promotional methods, in addition to the highest-priced offers.
  • conversion rate (CR): The rate of conversions and completion of your offers.
  • Payout or payment: Your payment (either for the offer – or monthly payment).
  • Incentive: This means that you can pay a portion of the money to the targeted people in exchange for completing the offer.
  • ID: This is your unique identification code at the CPA company
  • Campaign: The advertising campaign you are running.
  • Landing page: It is the landing page that the visitor reaches (either the offer page – or a page created before arriving at the offer).
  • CPC: The cost per click on your ad in the advertising campaigns that you run.
  • EPC: Earnings per click. It is worth noting that you do not profit from clicks in CPA offers, but it is a percentage that is estimated estimated for your advertising campaigns.
  • Leads: These are the processes of completing successful offers that you have made.
  • Reports: Your performance reports, which include all information in terms of profits, impressions, clicks, etc.

How to create a CPA marketing website in 8 steps

As I told you above, this is the best way to profit from CPA.

Now let me summarize the work of the CPA website in 8 simple steps without any details.

Creating a website is definitely the best investment and the best way to work in any marketing field, so here are the steps you should look for:

  • Choose a niche for your website to market it and analyze it well before settling on it.
  • If you find the niche profitable and the competition is moderate or weak, buy a good domain related to your field.
  • Buy simple hosting first.
  • After that, you must register on one of the CPA sites.
  • Now create intensive and continuous content in your niche.
  • Consult your account manager at the CPA firm about the best offers suitable for you and your site.
  • Start placing CPA offers on your website.
  • Bring traffic to your site and start collecting profits.

There are a group of other topics that I wrote about the field of CPA marketing, and I think they will benefit you.

Additional resources

  1. The best methods of free promotion
  2. Paid and professional ways to promote different offers.
  3. The best cpa marketing sources

With this, I have already finished explaining the introduction to profit from CPA marketing for beginners.

But there is certainly more and more information, and you will find that I have already put links to it in the topic.

So if you have any questions or want to add something that I have not already added, all you have to do is leave your comment or contact me on the Facebook page.

Now tell me…

Did you use this guide and find what you are looking for? Will you start now or will you look for another method that may be more suitable for you?

Written by:efram refaat

About the writer

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