Simple electronic projects for beginners (10 that can be implemented now)

Simple electronic projects for beginners (10 that can be implemented now)

Looking for simple electronic projects for beginners?

As a beginner, you may think that all electronic fields are difficult.

But quite the opposite…

Here you will find simple areas that you can start with a small investment or completely for free.

With semi-detailed information about the project and how to start it, so whatever obstacles you face, you will be able to find solutions for them.

The best 10 simple electronic projects for beginners

In each of the following projects I will tell you:

  • Project Idea
  • And what you need to get started

It is important to know that all of these electronic projects are very simple and suitable for beginners, but this does not mean that they are free.

If you want to start an electronic project without capital, we have a complete topic that explains the 5 best steps. I advise you to check it out.

We started with…

1- Instagram account recycling project

Instagram account recycling is simply buying accounts and then reselling them again.

Here the project is very simple, but the truth is that it requires capital from you in the beginning.

This project is not suitable for you if:

  • She did not have at least $200 that she did not need and was looking for an investment for it.
  • The amount you will invest here is all you have, and you have no other amounts.

Like any project, the process of recycling Instagram accounts involves various risks, such as:

  • You may be deceived by an account that has fake followers, or unreal interaction on the account.
  • You may be scammed if you do not purchase through a reliable platform.
  • Finally, you may not quickly find a buyer for your account at a price that gives you a good return.

Therefore, you need to study the project well and your ability to take risks.

Is the project profitable?

The project is certainly profitable, but like any electronic project you can start, it certainly contains some risks that you must take into account.

How to start?

  1. Select the field in which you would like to purchase an account (accounts through which you can promote products are always preferred)
  2. It is important to stay away from personal accounts through which photos or diaries of people are shared.
  3. After that, you must determine the platform through which you will buy, and here I definitely recommend Fameswap .
  4. Now start studying the accounts in the niche that you decided to choose, and choose the account that suits its budget and whose statistics you found appropriate.
  5. The final step: selling the account, and you can do this easily through the Social Tradia

All you have to do now, after achieving some profit, is to repeat the matter several times to achieve the appropriate income for you.

2- A specialized blog project

Although the above electronic project is simple and suitable for beginners, the capital required to start it is rather large.


The project of creating a specialized blog and making a profit from it may be the ideal project for you.

Is the project profitable?

Although a blog is a fairly simple and low-risk investment, it is also a very profitable electronic project.

You can also start it without capital (although I do not prefer or recommend that).

I have already shared before that you can achieve excellent profits from blogging every month, and here are the profits from one of my specialized blogs:

E-blogging profits

The profits are higher from the ads that appear in the topics only, but there are more than 15 ways to profit from blogs that you can exploit.

Excited to get started, let me tell you now…

How do you start this project? 

  1. Field first: Like any project, you must define the idea, and here you need to specialize in one field, and let us assume that you decide to create a blog specializing in digital currencies.
  2. After the idea, you need to determine the topics that you should write about, and I have already shared a comprehensive guide to getting keywords that you can write about.
  3. Now you need to buy hosting for your site and start creating the site. There are many options, but in the beginning – specifically the first year – you can start with cheap hosting such as Bluehost, which costs $2.5 per month.
  4. Now it’s time to start writing and publishing topics.
  5. After that, with continuity, you will find some visits coming to your site, and once that happens, all you have to do is determine the ways to profit from your content.

If you do not know how to write topics for your website, you can simply buy topics from professional writers at good prices through the Fiverr website.

This is the best writing service I have found, and I advise you to request it: an article writing service in Arabic

The password in this project: continuity. The more you continue to publish and share topics, the more your income will increase automatically.

I certainly didn’t share everything, but there is a really comprehensive guide in which I talked about all the steps that I recommend you read.

3- A professional Instagram account project

In the first project, the idea was to buy accounts and then resell them.

But here, you will do everything from the beginning, and start designing and participating until you have a professional and strong Instagram account through which different brands seek to advertise.

Is the project profitable? 

Certainly, thousands of accounts, whether of influencers or corporate accounts, have achieved excellent returns, but you need continuity and investment in the content you share.

One of the most famous accounts that work this way is:

These are not personal accounts, but they were able to collect hundreds of thousands of followers and ads.

In addition, some accounts have already taken advantage of methods of profit from Instagram and have begun selling their various products or educational courses.

How to start? 

  1. Determine your account idea and content.
  2. Create a new account on Instagram.
  3. Now all you have to do is design professional content and start publishing continuously.
  4. You can increase your account followers through many methods, such as: hashtags, continuous publishing, paid advertisements for accounts that provide content like yours, and others.
  5. Finally, you must make sure to put contact information in the BIO of your account to make it easier for companies to communicate with you.

Password: Canva, which is considered the first design site for all types of content, and which everyone, and I certainly recommend, to take advantage of in developing your electronic project.

What is special here is that it can also be considered an electronic project without capital , and therefore anyone can start it.

4- Drop shipping store project in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is considered the largest Arab country in terms of electronic shopping.

Therefore, exploiting the huge audience and their purchasing power may provide you with the project of a lifetime.

What is special here is that you do not need to own products in order to sell them!!!

affiliate marketing sites have provided many solutions for anyone who wants to create an online store and does not own a product.

Is the project profitable? 

Sure, but you have to learn how to market your products correctly.

For example, in Saudi Arabia, the public uses Snapchat and Google, and therefore these two methods are what you must learn in order to be able to reach this audience.

You can also create an electronic blog specialized in a specific field and create a store to sell products in the same niche. Thus, you have the audience, and you have the product.

How do you start this project?

  1. Determine the products that you will start selling (it is always preferable to choose products that are popular and consumed frequently).
  2. After that, go to a platform such as Link Araby or a merchant platform and search for suitable products to sell.
  3. Now all you have to do is launch your online store and start placing your products on it.
  4. A market for those products, and once the purchase is made, you order those products with the customer’s information.

This is all you need to know about this project as an idea, but if you intend to start, you should definitely delve deeper.

Or simply tell me so I will write a comprehensive guide in which I will explain all the steps in detail.

Now let’s move on to another project that is special to me, which is…

5- Tik Tok account project

Who doesn’t know Tik Tok?!!

I think no one.

Therefore, all you have to do is devote yourself to starting a unique account on TikTok.

Is this project profitable? 

In a previous topic about making money from Tik Tok, I shared part of a YouTuber’s explanation in which he talked about how he was able to make nearly $3,000 in one month from live broadcasting on Tik Tok.

Therefore, Tik Tok is definitely the best simple electronic project for beginners.

The beautiful thing about Tik Tok is the ease of creating content and the speed of its spread, thus ensuring that you see results in a short period if your content is distinctive.

How to start?

  1. Go to Tik Tok and create an account, whether personal or a regular account, with whatever name you think is appropriate.
  2. Now select the type of content you intend to share on your account.
  3. Start posting regularly and you will find the number of your followers increasing quickly.
  4. Once you have a good base of followers and a good number of views on your account, you can start promoting products, getting advertising offers from companies, or you can even transfer your followers to a YouTube channel and profit from it.

6- Facebook group project

The Facebook group I talked about before in my topic about electronic projects for girls , and here I repeat it again.

You have certainly been invited to join one of the Facebook groups for selling products.

This is the first idea for this project.

But there are many other ideas, all of which are good and profitable, such as:

  • A group that specializes in educational content for any skill, and through it sells paid courses.
  • A group specializing in skin and hair problems, and then exploiting it to obtain advertisements from various brands or marketing products with affiliates.
  • And other ideas…

All you have to do is define the idea for your group, then start collecting subscribers for it, after that you can exploit it in various ways.

I will not talk in detail about this project because I think it is very simple and anyone can start with it.

All you have to do is have distinctive products, while trying to increase the number of people joining your group, and from here you have your simple electronic project.

Note: You can also make your Facebook group a monthly subscription if you believe that you provide worthy content or answer questions and problems that your audience needs.

7- Facebook page project

There are two basic ways in which you can make your Facebook page your next electronic project as a beginner.

  1. Create video content, publish it, then activate profit on those videos and get a monthly income from Facebook.
  2. Marketing products, whether through commission, or your own products through them.

This is the only way you can use Facebook pages.

Or these are the best ways to get a good return on your investment, whether financial or investing your time.


Is this Facebook page project profitable?

If you intend to start creating content on your page, let us do a simple calculation:

  • The average number of views that videos get on Facebook exceeds 100,000 views per video (certainly on popular pages).
  • Since the average profit per 1,000 views on Facebook is $0.5, this is $50 from one video.
  • Therefore, if you publish 10 videos per month, you can achieve an excellent income that may reach $500.

Of course, it is not that easy, but the biggest challenge here is creating content, and if you are able to do that, congratulations, you now have a simple and distinctive electronic project.

But if you intend to create a page and sell products through it, the matter involves some risk, especially if you intend to invest in paid advertising.

This is simply because you may not make any sales, and thus you will have lost your first investment.

Therefore, you should definitely start learning to create sponsored ads on Facebook if you decide to start marketing products on your page.

8- Services recycling project

Like rotating Instagram accounts above, you can start rotating services, or as foreigners call it drop servicing.

Here the project is very simple and the risk is rather low.

But getting clients may be the challenge you will face.

So let me explain to you,,,

How to exploit this electronic project? 

At the beginning, it is important to emphasize to you that this project is simple and suitable for beginners, but you need an initial investment of no less than $50 in order to be able to purchase the first services.

  1. You need to find people who will sell their skills at low prices.
  2. But make sure the quality is good.
  3. You can find these on a site called SEO clerk or Sproutgigs.
  4. After that, all you have to do is go to freelancing sites such as Fiverr or Fiverr and republish the services of these people, but you will be the service provider here and the price will definitely be higher than the original price.
  5. Start promoting these services well through a website or other ways.
  6. Once you get a client and they pay you, all you have to do is go to these freelancers and buy that service from them.
  7. When the freelancer delivers the service to you, go and deliver it to the customer.

The price difference here is your net profit, which you can use to purchase other services.

Password: Specializing in providing specific services, and certainly promoting your services in a distinctive way.

9- Kwai Account Project

Kwai is an app that specializes in short videos, like TikTok.

But Kwai Company offers some additional advantages that TikTok does not offer, which is the possibility of profiting from your content as a Kwai content creator.

I talked about all the ways to profit from Kwai in a previous topic and how you can exploit it, but my talk here is limited to sharing your content on the program.

All you have to do is learn about their monetization conditions, then start creating content and getting income from your content.

10- Project to provide likes and followers

Although this project is considered one of the easiest electronic projects for beginners, I do not prefer it.

In a previous topic, I actually talked about the harms of buying Instagram followers .

But some people still buy followers for their social media accounts.

Here comes your role in this project.

All you have to do is buy followers through one of the sites, then resell them at a higher price to people who ask you to do so.

As usual: You can create a blog in which you talk about ways to increase followers and other things, and then offer your services through this website, thus reaching the largest possible audience and thus the largest possible profits.

As you can see, there are many ideas for simple electronic projects for beginners.


Surely you have also noticed all the advantages that you can get by owning your own blog.

So blogging is my favorite project.

Now tell me…

What is your favorite electronic project on this list that you have decided to start now?

About the writer

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