Small capital projects in Egypt (+15 profitable projects)

Small capital projects in Egypt (+15 profitable projects)

You are not the only one looking for small capital projects in Egypt!!!

For 3 years, my friends were looking for unique project ideas, and each unique idea often required a large sum of money.

After a long search, we found many suitable ideas at a very low cost.

But first you have to precisely determine the amount you want to start with.

Most of the projects that I will list here for you will most likely not cost more than 10-15 thousand pounds.

Of course, there are some of these projects that cost no more than 2,000 pounds, but you will also find ideas that require a maximum of 20,000.

So if that budget suits you, then this topic is definitely for you.

But the most important part and the first piece of advice is to try and not stop at just looking for an idea.

Now let’s get to know me…

The best ideas for projects with small capital in Egypt 2022

The projects here will be randomly arranged.

I intended to arrange them from least expensive to highest, but I found that some ideas deserve to be placed at the top, so let’s start with the best idea for me:

1- Franchise, a small food shop

If you are in a fairly large governorate, it is easy.

But if you are in a small governorate, it is easier in terms of cost.

Mostly, if you want a project with small capital, you are a student.

Certainly, if you are an expatriate, you have already tried ordering meals from various restaurants and stores in the governorate in which you live.

This was our little idea, me and my friends!!

Search for a small shop that offers sandwiches or meals at fairly good prices and excellent quality.

At the same time, it does not have a branch in our center.

After that, we contacted the owner of the project (a food store that offers good grills and sandwiches of excellent quality) and the request was:

We obtain from him the materials and the chef who prepares everything with the same quality that he provides, and we manage the place in exchange for him taking an amount and a percentage of the project.

It is necessary to choose a suitable place that offers an excellent product.

It is also a good idea to do this project with a group of your friends so that the cost is distributed among you.

Project cost: It varies depending on the store with which the agreement is made, but if it obtains a percentage in most cases, the project cost will not exceed 50 thousand pounds.

2- WordPress Mini Niche blog project

The blog will remain my best electronic project and my favorite field among the areas of profit from the Internet .

You are here in one of my blogs.

A blog in general is a website where content is published in the form of articles.

As for the word mini-niche, it means a blog specialized in one field.

Here, for example, in the Profits Expert blog, it specializes in the field of profit, saving and investment, so it is called Niche.

But if it specializes in one field, let’s say profit, it is called a mini-niche.

But if you decide to make it specialized only in investing in the stock market, for example, we will call it micro-niche.

The cost of a micro-niche is less than a mini-niche, which in turn costs less than a niche.

But is blogging profitable?

E-blogging profits

Above are the profits from one of the blogs I recently launched.

As you can see, the blog generates approximately 1,600 pounds per month, and if you stop working on it, it will continue to bring in those profits.

Therefore, I strongly advise launching an electronic blog, even though it is somewhat slow in obtaining returns.

If you decide to start and want to know detailed information about launching your blog and making a profit from it, I highly recommend reading our guide on how to create a blog and make a profit from it .

The cost of launching the blog: about 70 dollars in Egyptian, approximately 1200 pounds.

3- A take-away shop or beverage cart project

A small take-away shop or cart project for selling drinks is considered one of the best projects in Egypt that require a very small capital.

The most important part of the project is choosing the place.

If you find a place where there are a lot of students for lessons, or in front of a public hospital, or streets with a large number of people constantly passing by, then the success of your project is guaranteed.

  • Project cost: does not exceed 10 thousand pounds.
  • Expected profits: from 2000 – 5000 pounds per month.

4- Facebook page project

Although creating a page on Facebook does not require any capital, you do need some money in order to market the products.

Here you have to do two basic steps: 

  • Find products that you will market in exchange for a commission.
  • Learn to launch advertising campaigns on Facebook in order to reach your target audience.

Part One: Finding products is very easy and does not require a lot of effort.

There are some platforms in Egypt that provide you with many products, and you can join them and choose the appropriate products.

The most important of these platforms are: 

  • Friday market
  • Affiliate done me
  • Trader platform
  • Ibuy platform (specialized in coaches).

There are many other sites and affiliate networks , but these are the months to start.

Part Two: Learn to launch campaigns and pay for those campaigns

You can learn to create an advertisement on Facebook from YouTube for free, but you may not find everything you want to learn.

So the second solution here is to get a detailed paid course. Here we do not offer paid courses, but I can nominate one of the best Arabic courses in the field, about 20 hours of educational content and real experiences, which will teach you everything you need.

The price of the course is $97!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you intend to start, and since your capital is small, I got an offer from Hani Hussein, the owner of the course, that anyone who wants to buy from my link will receive:

  • An additional course to teach you about Google ads and YouTube ads in detail, price is $49.
  • In addition to a 50% discount on the amount of both courses together.

That is, you will get the two courses for a total of $77 (about 1,200 pounds). This is certainly for a limited time, because the offer price the previous month was only $50.

A course for learning advertising by Hani Hussein

Project cost: approximately 1,200 pounds per month (can be increased depending on the amount of advertisements) in addition to the price of the course if you decide to learn correctly, bringing the total to approximately 2,500 pounds.

5- A project for a store selling mobile phone accessories

Mobile accessories are among the best-selling products and the cheapest in terms of cost.

Starting a business selling accessories is the best step for a young man who has a very small capital.

You can certainly add maintenance to your store, but you first need to take a course to learn and master phone maintenance.

There are many products that you can sell and their cost is very low, such as:

  • Headphones of all kinds.
  • Cases.
  • Phone screens.
  • Additional accessories.
  • Chargers and connectors.

Mostly, all of these products will not cost you more than 20 pounds apiece, and you can sell them for up to 60 or 70 pounds.

6- YouTube channel Cash Cow project

Starting a YouTube channel yourself will not cost you anything.

But cash cow channels are somewhat different.

Since you want a capital and profitable project, perhaps you should invest it in one of these channels.

Cash Cow channels were given this name because their goal is to achieve continuous profit without you having to create a lot of videos or appear in person.

The most famous examples of these channels are: 

  • Audiolab channel
  • Winners team channel
  • Alux

All of the channels above create motivational videos or sad videos by combining a group of short videos without royalties, then someone does a voiceover.

The most famous examples of videos on Cash Cow channels are:

  • Motivational videos.
  • Videos Did you know?
  • Puzzle videos.
  • Top 10.
  • And others…

There are two ways to launch the channel:

  • Free: You learn editing and voiceover and write the content that you will read.
  • Investing money: You hire people to do this task for you.

Now let’s talk a little about the project cost:

  • One Arabic video: from 10 to 15 dollars.
  • Foreign video: 20-50 dollars.
  • Channel ads: approximately 1000 pounds per month.

That is, you can invest 1,000 pounds in content per month, in addition to 1,200 pounds to advertise your channel (the total cost is about 2,500 pounds).

Here are some topics to help you get started:

7- A simple herbalist shop project

The cost of establishing a perfume shop project is negligible.

In the beginning, you will need an amount not exceeding 10 thousand pounds, but the project’s profits are good compared to the capital.

The largest cost in this project will be in renting the shop, so the cheaper you find a location, the lower your cost will be.

Two years ago, I opened a simple store in one of the villages, and the project’s profits were approximately 1,000 pounds per month.

So if you want to start, don’t worry and start quickly.

Here you need: 

  • Search for wholesalers to sell raw materials.
  • Know the prices in the market surrounding you.
  • Knowing the most important raw materials required in the area you decided to start.

8- An interactive Instagram account project

In the beginning, Facebook was better.

But these days, who among us does not have an Instagram account?

I spoke before in detail about making money from Instagram, so you may need to read this guide.

But quickly let me tell you what you can do: 

  • First, you need to determine the type of content that you will present on Instagram (general content – your personal photos – human development – financial advice – pets – etc.)
  • After that, you need to create a free account
  • Now, go to one of the Arabic or Arabic freelance sites and search for people who design Instagram posts (there are many of them).
  • Now start posting on your account continuously until you gather a good number of followers.
  • Finally, do (paid ads for other accounts – promote some products in your field – sell your account).

Project cost: from 500 – 2000 pounds per month.

9- A project to raise pigeons at home

The pigeon breeding project is one of the best projects in Egypt, and you can do it with a very small capital.

I spoke before about this project and that its cost does not exceed 1000 pounds!!

But in reality, it may require a larger amount because you need to continue raising pigeons until production is seen for more than 3 months.

  • 10 pairs of pigeons cost approximately 600 pounds.
  • Monthly food expenses cost 300-400 pounds.

So the final cost until you sell the first production of your project: approximately 2000 pounds.

10- Paper and photography printing press project

Starting a small paper printing and photocopying library is one of the profitable small businesses that you can grow in the future.

You can just start with photography and then add paper products to the list of products you can sell:

  • Kshakil
  • Printing papers
  • And others

After you find an increase in your profits, you can convert your store into a bookstore and start selling all other office supplies.

What you need for this project is: 

  • Choose a suitable place (next to a group of private lessons teachers – next to a government agency – etc.).
  • After that, you need to buy a printer and a copier (cost approximately 10,000 – 15,000 pounds).

11- Clothes tailoring and sewing project

Mostly no one buys clothes without going to organize them in a way that suits him.

Therefore, learning the craft of sewing may enable you to start a project with a very small capital and very good profits.

Here, the entire capital is represented by the machine that you will buy, which most likely will not be new.

The cost of establishing this project will not exceed 10 thousand pounds, including the rent of the shop.

Start and search for courses to learn sewing and you will find a lot of work waiting for you.

Don’t forget also that you can start tailoring clothes and this will double the profits.

This project is suitable for both boys and girls.

Learn about:Small machines that make big profits

12- Home hairdresser project

There are many profitable projects for women from home, and starting a simple home hairdresser may be the solution for you.

Most women and girls have almost mastered this skill so I don’t think getting started will be a problem for you.

The more acquaintances and relationships you have, the more profitable opportunities you have.

Project cost: The cost of the hairdresser equipment and in most cases will not exceed 20 thousand pounds.

13- Rabbit breeding project

Most projects for raising animals or birds at home have very little capital.

Raising rabbits is one of those few projects that can bring you a lot of profits.

But there are definitely a lot of losses.

Therefore, choose the appropriate time to start the project and study it well.

Cost: Depending on the number of rabbits you will start with, which I recommend not to exceed 5 pairs as a start until you learn.

Some consider this project an agricultural project , but I do not think so.

Do you think it is an agricultural project?

14- Home nursery project

Dealing with children is somewhat difficult for me.

So I left starting a home daycare for last.

But that certainly doesn’t mean it’s not profitable.

Think about it a little if you can only have 20 children (which is a very small number) and the monthly subscription for one child is 500 pounds.

This is 10 thousand pounds per month in profits!!!

The cost of the entire project will not exceed 20 thousand pounds. This is certainly in addition to the salaries of those who work for you.

Just do something excellent and treat parents well so that they will bring their children to you.

15- PlayStation project

No matter your age, as a young man, you will one day go to a PlayStation store with your friends.

At first I thought I would stop playing when I reached 23 years old.

But entertainment does not stop, and it is a necessity so that we can continue our lives properly.

Therefore, I do not think that PlayStation will end in any of the coming periods, no matter how old we grow and no matter how new technology appears.

Launching a PlayStation project may be very profitable for you.

think about it!!!!

  • 3 devices. The cost of the device is approximately 9,000 pounds (27,000 project costs).
  • Only 6 working hours per day for one device (hourly price is only 20 pounds)

This is 360 pounds daily (including electricity expenses of about 40 pounds), so the net income is approximately 9,000 pounds per month.

What if you add some drinks and fast food to the menu?

This is approximately another 2000 pounds in profits.

Study the project well, choose a distinct area to start, and get started.

16- Project for selling books and books

Few people read these days, right?

True, but they still exist.

Although the project’s profits may be low compared to all the projects above, the small number of people who open a store that sells books and novels, especially in the governorates, makes it worth trying.

Even now, I buy books and read them because I prefer the feel of paper rather than looking at a mobile or computer screen for long periods.

I think there are a lot of people like me.

So of course, if I find a store that sells books at a good price and I find what I need, I will definitely buy.

  • You can get the books you need from Sur Al-Azbakeya in Cairo.
  • The price of small books and novels will usually not exceed 25 pounds.
  • You can sell it in your center or governorate for a price of no less than 40 pounds.

Project cost: about 10-15 thousand.

These were the best small capital projects in Egypt that you can start with and get a good return.

Now tell me…

What project do you think you can start?

Is there additional information you would like to know about him?

Whatever you need, do not hesitate to contact us through the comments or on our Facebook page.

About the writer

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