The best industrial project in Saudi Arabia (7 successful ideas)

The best industrial project in Saudi Arabia (7 successful ideas)

What is the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia?

Many people in the Kingdom have turned to manufacturing as an excellent solution to invest their money, and you are among them and are looking for an opportunity to enter the world of manufacturing.

I strongly encourage you to take this step and hope you continue with it.


You may face a huge problem, which is not knowing which industrial project is best to rely on.

Therefore, in this guide, let me introduce you to the best industrial projects in the Kingdom that can give you a good return on your investment.

The 7 best industrial projects in Saudi Arabia

The projects on this list vary in their investment amount.

It may also require you to study more deeply into each project, so after determining the project idea that is most suitable for you, all you have to do is research it more deeply and learn about its details.

Starting with…

1- Wooden furniture manufacturing project

Furniture is one of the products that will never stop being bought. Shapes and models may change over the ages, but people will certainly not stop buying beds, desks, clothes boxes, or other furniture.

You may think that this industrial project is unprofitable, but from my point of view it is one of the best industrial projects in Saudi Arabia.

We all already know Ikea, Homzmart and other huge furniture brands.

If this industrial venture was not successful and profitable, how did such brands survive until now?

In this project I only care about:

  • Choose the finest types of wood.
  • Manufacture of distinctive products.
  • Innovation in manufacturing and design.
  • Marketing your product well.

The cost of this project may be a bit huge, but the huge profit margin from the sales of this project is worth trying.

Read also:The best profitable small industrial machines

2- Natural oils manufacturing project

The most important advantage of natural oils is that they are consumed in various fields.

For example, olive oil can be used in:

  • the food.
  • Increase skin freshness.
  • Moisturizing hair.
  • And others…

Many other natural oils are used in the same way.

Therefore, the consumption of natural oils is constantly increasing.

Some of the credit here goes to health food marketers, who constantly recommend the consumption of natural oils such as olive oil and others.

Therefore, it is natural for me to tell you that this project is considered the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia.

Fortunately, the environment in the Kingdom is good for growing many plants that provide natural oils.

You can also rely on imports.

The cost of this project can become very large if you start the manufacturing process from scratch yourself.

However, if you decide to import large quantities of oils and retail them to sell by package, the cost will be lower.

With clear numbers… the cost of this project may start from 15 thousand riyals and reach 100 thousand riyals .

3- Clothes manufacturing project

Manufacturing and selling clothing is a very traditional industrial enterprise.

But what is unconventional is creating your own brand, specializing in selling a specific type of product to begin with.

This is what many brands have already done to invade the markets with their products and then begin manufacturing other products.

Here you need:

  • Find a large or medium space to launch your clothing factory.
  • Search for the best workers to employ them with you.
  • Determine your brand name and specialty (this step does not take a lot of time at the moment)
  • Beginning of the manufacturing and production phase.
  • Finally, start marketing.

I always advise starting to sell products through an online store, and marketing it on a paid basis, but you can certainly start through a traditional store and then spread and turn into a huge chain of stores.

In a previous article, I talked in detail about the abaya manufacturing project . I advise you to check it out because it is one of the best clothing manufacturing projects in Saudi Arabia.

The cost of this project: may range from 100 thousand to 300 thousand riyals.

4- Perfume manufacturing project

Manufacturing perfumes is one of the excellent industrial projects in Saudi Arabia.

I dealt with a person a while ago who owned a brand that sold musk and oud, and after a simple chat about his project, he talked to me about the project, its profits, and how much income it could generate.

Therefore, I believe that this project is the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia with a somewhat moderate capital.

  • First, you need to search for the best types of perfumes and oud consumed in Saudi Arabia.
  • After that, start the manufacturing phase by delving into all the information about manufacturing perfumes and their proportions.
  • Now all you have to do is determine the shape and name of your brand, and begin the production phase.
  • Finally, market your product and improve the customer experience so that they continue to order from you.

My friend, the owner of the perfume brand I talked about above, was promoting mainly through the Internet and his online store.

So I highly recommend following the same approach in this project.

The best ways to market perfumes in Saudi Arabia are through:

  • snap chat.
  • Tik Tok.
  • Instagram.

Hence, you should probably focus on these marketing methods.

The cost varies and ranges from 10,000 riyals to 150,000 riyals.

Note: You can launch an online store with a few simple clicks through the Basket platform , which I highly recommend.

5- Prayer carpet factory project

Manufacturing prayer rugs is the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia.

Although the project is simple, it is worth putting some effort and money into.

Religious products, specifically prayer rugs, are among the best-selling products in the Kingdom.

And therefore…

Starting a production line to manufacture prayer rugs is the most profitable business in Saudi Arabia .

It is also small business .

The cost of the project depends on production, but in general it ranges from 30 thousand to 150 thousand riyals.

6- A project to manufacture aromatic candles

Are you looking for a rare female project ?

The project of manufacturing aromatic candles is considered one of the most successful projects for women .

The beauty of this project is that there are few people actually doing it.

Therefore, competition in this field is almost non-existent so far.

All you have to do is: 

  • Start learning how to make aromatic candles.
  • Start of the production phase.
  • Experiment, and take the opinions of those around you about the quality of the product.
  • Finally, start marketing and selling.

In terms of cost, you can start this project with only 300 riyals , and you can develop the project so that the cost reaches 30 thousand riyals.

7- A project to manufacture plastic café supplies

I believe that cafés are one of the best successful small projects for young people .

But here we are not talking about starting a café, but rather a small factory that manufactures plastic and paper products used by cafés.

The products here are different and varied, including, for example:

  • Plastic cups.
  • Paper cups.
  • And others…

All of these products are consumable products and are in constant demand.

Therefore, starting a small factory to manufacture these supplies is the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia from the point of view of many.

All you have to do here is:

  • Search for the best sources to purchase raw materials.
  • Contracting with a good number of cafes.
  • Importing the machines your factory needs.
  • Start of the production phase.

The cost of this project is very huge compared to other projects mentioned above, and the reason is the machines that will be purchased.

Therefore, expect an investment of no less than 500 thousand riyals in this project.

Now let me share my opinion with you…

What is the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia?

For me, all of the industrial projects above are worth trying, and my personal inclinations for a project may differ from yours.

But basically choosing the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia depends on the budget you have.

Personally, my budget is somewhat average, and therefore I think the best project for my case now is a project to manufacture natural oils or perfumes.

If I had a larger budget, the furniture project would definitely be my first choice.

As for girls, their recommendation is to start a perfume project, aromatic candles, or manufacture handmade products.

Thus, our topic has ended and I have already shared what is the best industrial project in Saudi Arabia for me.

Now your turn…

What project do you think is right for you and decided to start working on?

If you need more about any project feel free to leave your comment.

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