The project has a capital of 2000 riyals (with the best return)

The project has a capital of 2000 riyals (with the best return)

Are you looking for a project with a capital of 2000 riyals?

You certainly know that this amount is not the best for starting a project.


After extensive research, deep thinking, and calculating the cost of some of my projects, I found that 2000 riyals is possible to start.

Ultimately, most projects start small and develop over time.

Therefore, you must take into account that you will need to invest more of your future project’s return in developing it, to bring you the expected return.

Now let’s shorten the introduction and start quickly with…

Projects with a capital of 2000 riyals

Before starting, it is important to know that most of the projects possible with capital like this are electronic projects

Therefore, you will find some projects on the ground and the majority you can do through the Internet.

Starting with…

1- Decorative candles project

The project of making candles from natural ingredients is one of the popular projects in this period, which you can start with a capital of less than 2000 riyals.

Many people are buying them in order to improve the overall mood or add a distinctive scent to the rooms, making these candles a strong trend in this period.

Candle making is one of the rare women’s projects , which fortunately is not widely spread in the Arab world.

What is special here is that it can be done from home, and marketed online or in decoration and gift stores.

But in order to succeed in this project, you must: 

  • Decide from the beginning a distinctive name for your brand.
  • It pays attention to the smallest details in packaging and manufacturing.
  • Try it first, and get reviews from those around you about the quality of your product.
  • Finally, take care of professionally marketing your products and presenting them as an essential product to customers.

It is important to know that the most difficult thing about this project is learning to make these candles.


You have to research well, learn and experiment on your own.

Note: Most of the educational resources for this field of candle making are in English, but you will find a good number of Arabic videos on YouTube that teach you a lot about this field.

2- Affiliate marketing project

Even if you do not own a product, you can sell products.

The secret here is in starting an online affiliate marketing project…

But does the project cost 2000 riyals?

You can start the project with much less, but the higher the amount, the more you can increase the promotion budget, thus reaching a larger number and, ultimately, achieving more sales.

Which will eventually turn into: a greater return on your investment.

There are two ways you can do affiliate marketing :

  • Direct marketing of products on other people’s stores.
  • Marketing the product as its owner, then ordering the product from the platform using the data it provided to you when purchasing from you.

Each of the above methods is suitable depending on the promotion method you have chosen.

For example:

  • Direct marketing is suitable for promotional methods such as blogs and YouTube channels.
  • Marketing as your own product is suitable for: Paid advertisements on social media sites.

In both cases, you need to invest in yourself and take some courses to master the promotion method you have chosen.

get to know me:

3- A specialized blog project

I always advise everyone to start a specialized blog project.

The reason for this is simple…

Blogging is one of the best sources of passive income that you can build. In addition to being an excellent project, it is also one of the projects that does not require full-time work .

The cost of blogging is usually less than 2000 riyals to start with, but if you want a somewhat strong start, this is a special amount to buy some unique articles for your blog.

Did I tell you what blogging is?

Blogs are sites for sharing written content, just as I am sharing with you now in this topic, the projects that you can start with a capital of 2000 riyals.

We can profit from these blogs through several methods, the simplest of which is the advertisements that appear on this topic.

Is blogging profitable?

In the previous months, I started a new blog at a fairly small cost that did not exceed 1000 riyals, and by working hard on it and sharing distinctive content, it began to generate a daily income of 200 riyals .

But the problem here is that these returns come in the long term.

To be honest with you, I did not receive these returns until after 9 months of continuous work on this blog.

But now I have stopped working on it and it still makes me the same amount, and on many days it makes less, perhaps 30 riyals or something like that.

But its monthly average is half of my initial investment.

So as not to prolong the discussion, here you can view the guide:creating a blog and making a profit from it .

If you encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact us.

4- Dates trade project

Dates are one of the distinctive products in the Kingdom.

Here I am not telling you that you will become a wholesale date merchant.

Here I need you to start your own small business, and your distinguished ongoing safety in the field of retail dates trading.

The difference will make a simple project like this the best project you can do.

For example…

I can tell you to start now and put some dates in a package and go and sell them in front of the mosques, and this will make you a good profit.


What do you think of a different idea?

Instead of simple packaging for your product, turn the product into a valuable gift.

  • Design a distinctive cardboard box.
  • Make sure to show a product as a gift.
  • Start a simple online store with different sizes and different products of your dates.
  • Now start marketing it in a distinctive, professional manner.

The first project is simpler and getting started is definitely easier.


If the return from each product you sell with the first method is 3 riyals, then the return in the second method will easily reach 7 to 10 riyals.

The secret is in creative thinking, not how modern or traditional the project is.

5- Coffee cart project

Do you know the volume of searches for coffee in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Exceeds 10 million monthly searches!!!

A huge number, but if this indicates anything, it is that there is an excellent opportunity for you to start a simple project with a capital of 2000 riyals or less.

Here I need two things from you: 

  • A simple stroller, but with a distinctive and clean look.
  • Different types of coffee in small quantities.

The largest cost in this project will be for equipment such as the wooden cart and coffee preparation equipment.


You can certainly obtain these tools in installments.

Or you can start with something simpler like a scooter.

And now…

  • Go to markets crowded with shop owners, or you can start in front of a mosque.
  • Start selling your coffee.
  • Talk to customers and build good relationships with them.
  • Now you have gained a permanent customer for your project.
  • After a while, start developing your project into a simple kiosk, and thus, in the end, you will have one of the distinguished brands in the field of coffee in the Kingdom.

All projects start small, so don’t make despair your enemy and start now.

6- Carpet and abaya trade project

women’s abayas and prayer rugs businessthe successful business projects that I highly recommend.

As for the abaya trade, it is a project for women , and for men, if you launch your own store, of course.

As for the carpet selling project, I think it is best for young people.

Because here you need movement, research and negotiation, and you can sell carpets through:

  • Shops
  • In front of mosques.

The second method I think is the most appropriate with your small capital.

But first you need:

  • Buy a good selection of wholesale rugs.
  • This brings us to the most important step, which is finding wholesalers at good prices.
  • Hence, you need to know the prices of products in the market so that you can negotiate to get the best price.

7- Soup kiosk project

Starting a soup kiosk project with a capital of 2000 riyals may be the worst idea ever for exploiting your capital.

However, since it is a different idea, it may become a somewhat distinctive idea and bring you a special return.

Perhaps after that, you can turn it into a distinctive restaurant after doubling your capital.

Here you can serve different types of soup or serve one of the different types, such as shrimp soup.

If you find interest in your products, you can develop the project.

What is the best project with a capital of 2000 riyals?

For me, all the projects above are good and somewhat distinctive.


The best project with a capital of 2000 riyals in this list:

  • For women: it is candle making.
  • For young people: trading dates, coffee, and blogs.

With this, we have finished this article.

In the end, all you have to do is decide what suits you best, what you find acceptance to do, and start implementing it.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave your comment.

About the writer

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