Writing jobs on Word from home 2024 (comprehensive guide)

Writing jobs on Word from home 2024 (comprehensive guide)

After a lengthy search on more than one website for writing jobs on flowers from home.

Unfortunately, this search turned into a miserable failure!!!

There is no single topic that provides real information that you can follow in order to get a writing job in Word.

Even the sites that display some job applications were found to be with old dates.

Therefore, it was necessary for me to collect for you some ways and sites through which you can get a data entry job (typeset) or proofreading and linguistic correction jobs.

Now let’s skip the long introductions and move on to…

Ways to get writing jobs on Word from home

In my channel, you will find a simple video that explains to you how to profit from writing in Word. The video does not contain all the methods, but it does contain some important methods and tips.

You can watch it here: 

[wpcc-iframe title=”Profit from the Internet for beginners without capital by writing on the Word program” width=”1200″ height=”675″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Gr-CnBs98HU?feature=oembed” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=””]

Note: This guide does not only contain writing jobs, but is a comprehensive guide to writing jobs on the Word Type program in general.

Now let me tell you the first method, which is…

1- Recruitment sites

Recruitment websites are the first source for obtaining writing jobs on Word, surely true?

However, I don’t prefer it and the methods below are better for me.

The reason for this: Most of the jobs that are posted on these sites are often not responded to when you apply to them.

Some of them also require working as a typist and data entry user on different programs, not just Microsoft Word.

Therefore, I recommend avoiding it.

See, for example, after extensive research on the website wuzzuf, which is considered one of the most famous employment sites in Egypt:

Writing and data entry jobs on the Wazaf website

I only found two jobs that were required: 

  • English Language.
  • Proficiency in other Microsoft programs such as: Excel – Powerpoint.

In addition, you will find a huge number of applicants for the job.

For example: The first job was applied for by more than 70 people, even though it only completed one day on the site.

There are some other employment sites where you may find some writing jobs, such as: 

Now for the second method, which I prefer somewhat…

2- Adding a service to microservices sites

Through these sites, you can add a simple skill or service that you can provide for a price.

For example, here you can submit the following:

  • Writing 3000 words on Word for $5.
  • Or, for example, a 5-page Word file format for $10.

The most important advantage of these sites is working in dollars, but the disadvantages are the difficulty of getting the first client.

I will not list dozens of sites for you here, but only two sites that are the best of all.

Our beginning with:

Khamsat website: 

Examples of writing work on flowers on the Khamsat website

As you can see in the picture, editing and transcribing services on Word files are required.

So why not start offering it as an opportunity to increase your monthly income via the Internet ?

The best feature of Khamsat is the possibility of working from home , in addition to the fact that the work there is mostly in Arabic.

And now with a website in English, which is…

Fiverr website

Writing and data entry services on the Fiverr website

The situation is definitely better if you are proficient in the English language.

As you can see in the picture above from Fiverr: 

  • The demand on Typeset for the Rose program is huge, and some services have been sold more than 1,000 times.
  • Also the prices are better.

Therefore, if your English is good, I advise you to register and start providing your services on this site.

Advice: Make sure to improve the image and description of the service that you will provide in order to attract new customers.

3- Facebook groups

Before starting to write this topic, I went looking for a job writing on Word through Facebook.

The nice thing is that I found one of the interactive groups through which some jobs in writing Word files are presented.

Therefore, I decided to share it with you on this topic so that you can join it and apply for some of the opportunities that are published in it.

You can join the group here:Typist (writing and formatting)

4- Direct communication with the senate

Most centers, private lesson centers, and even teachers you can work with.

This method requires communication with the people who most use Word files.


You can contact libraries.

In any case, you can offer your services as a typist to teachers to format their notes for a specific amount.

Additional bonus:

You can simply contact one of the libraries that many students go to and exploit a general secondary idea to design a question-and-answer note for students and sell it through the library, with the library receiving a percentage of the profit.

5- Writing projects on Word on freelancing platforms

Enterprise platforms are a little different than microservices sites.

But for me, the best project sites are because I consider them Free Lancer sites suitable for beginners .

The way these platforms work is as follows: 

The customer requests a specific service for a specific period of time, service providers (such as you) develop their own offers, and the customer reviews the offers and chooses the appropriate one for him to implement the project.

There are some Arabic websites that work in this way, the most famous of which is independent.

However, unfortunately there are very few writing jobs on Word on a freelancer, so we will resort to one of the foreign freelance sites, which is:

Upwork website

Writing jobs on Microsoft Word from home on Upwork

In the previous image, there is an example of some functions on the site.

From my research on the platform, I found that the most requested and constantly requested projects are:

  • File format.
  • And data dump.
  • Finally, convert the file format between Word and PDF.

Therefore, if you want to find a job on this site, make sure to develop your previous skills.

Tips for getting a good job on flowers from home

Despite the simplicity of working as a data entry user on Microsoft Word, job applications are not limited to just writing a few pages.

There are some additional skills that people require, and therefore, in order to improve your chances of employment, you must possess these skills and master them.

Most of the jobs I analyzed not only require writing, but you are also required to be professional in: 

  • Word file format
  • Convert PDF files to Word format files and then reformat them.
  • Extract data from images into Word files.
  • Designing files and presenting them professionally is also a required skill.

It is also important to make your prices simple in the beginning in order to collect customers and reviews of your services, and then you can raise your prices as you deem appropriate for you.

Fast typing on the keyboard in English and Arabic is also one of the basic skills that you must possess if you intend to make typing on the keyboard your job.

All the skills above can be mastered completely for free and easily.

To make things easier for you, I have collected for you in the next section the best free learning resources…

The best sources for professional writing in Microsoft Word

YouTube is full of courses for learning Microsoft Word and other Microsoft programs, whether in Arabic or English.

But I think the group below is the best to learn everything through.

1- Microsoft Word 2013 professional course from Easy T

Microsoft Word 2013 is almost one of the most used versions, and even if you are using another version, this course includes the basics suitable for any version.

Therefore, I strongly advise you to follow it and learn all the program’s settings and simple technical matters through it.

  • The course consists of 10 simple videos, not exceeding 20 minutes each.
  • Through it you will learn everything from how to install the program, auditing and formatting, even mail merging macros, and more.

2- Microsoft Word 2019 professional course from Afham Computer channel

If the version of Word that you have on your device is the 2019 version, then this series is the most suitable for you.

  • The course contains 10 basic videos to teach you the basics
  • In the series you will also find a detailed explanation of some other skills, such as: converting Word to PDF and vice versa, in addition to formatting and design.

This course is considered one of the best courses for teaching Microsoft Word, which I strongly recommend following before thinking about any writing work in Word.

These were the best writing jobs on Word from home, in addition to the most important additional skills required and resources for learning and professionalizing the program.

Now tell me…

Have you decided which way of working is right for you? Are they employment sites or service sites?

Share with me in the comments, and let me know if you have any other questions.

About the writer

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